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Why Weight Loss is so complicaded?

Although weight loss is a common part of daily life, it’s not an easy goal. It is something we do every day. There are a few ways to lose weight safely and effectively. Weight gain and weight loss are directly related the balance between calories you eat and calories you burn through exercise and daily activities like sports. A “natural weight” should be your goal. The average teenager needs 1,700 to 3,000 calories per day to meet their physiologic needs, support growth, and carry out daily activities. Your natural weight is the weight you have when you eat a healthy, balanced diet that provides enough calories to support growth and daily activities. Protein can help reduce hunger and decrease calories. It can also help you build muscle and keep your body trim.

Body Genetics

Before we get into the weight loss tips, it is important to understand your body genetics and why it can be so difficult. Each person is unique and has a different body. Some people are short and strong, while others are slim and tall. Some people have large hips and shoulders while others have short, muscular arms. As with eye color, hair color and skin color, genetics can affect body shape and natural build. Good news is that genetics will not determine if one will be fat or not, but they will determine one’s body type. This means that not all women can expect to look like a Hollywood supermodel or actress. Not all men can expect to be muscular and defined. The goal is to be comfortable with one’s body and feel good about it. You are at risk of developing heart disease, strokes, diabetes, high bloodpressure, high blood sugar, gout, breathing problems, hyperthyroidism, heart disease, and other health issues.

Weight loss is something you should seriously consider. It is important to understand the root cause of your weight problems. Slow metabolism Emotional eating Hormonal imbalances Consuming too many calories. The body can build up toxins. Late eating High susceptibility for growth hormones. Not eating breakfast. Setting small, achievable goals that can be reached in a short time span can help you lose weight. You should be focusing on what you can lose this week, not what you need to lose in the future. This is crucial. This is very important. You can break down your goal weight into manageable sections so you can set a weekly goal. You’re likely to fail if you set unrealistic weekly goals. You can also benefit from a wide variety of natural products for weight reduction that may help you achieve your desired weight.

General Information

It is ironic that obesity is the number one nutritional problem in America today, in a world where most people don’t eat enough. An estimated 25 million Americans are obese. This means that they are at least 20 percent above their ideal weight for their height and build, age, and sex. It is unclear why some people gain weight while others lose it. Weight gain and weight loss can be boiled down to simple math: If more calories are consumed than the body needs, weight increases. When more calories are burned than eaten, weight decreases. Weight control is not as simple as simple math. The factors that influence weight control include metabolism, genetics, socioeconomic status, and modern technology. Modern technology and work-saving devices have led to studies showing that Americans eat less than their counterparts in 1900. However, they are more likely to be overweight.

Sedentary lifestyles can make it harder to control weight. Recent research suggests that exercise can help regulate the brain’s appetite control centre, which could mean that an inactive person may have greater difficulty controlling his appetite than someone who exercises moderately. While obesity and inactivity are the main causes of most weight problems, some people may be predisposed to certain behaviors. For example, new research has shown that obese people do not eat more food than those who are slimmer, but they burn it more slowly. This is especially true for people who follow semi-starvation or crash diets. Although they may lose weight initially, their metabolism will adjust. They require less calories to maintain their normal weight than they did before.


This phenomenon is more evident in repeat dieters. It explains why many dieters tend regain weight even though they eat a healthy diet. A mere four to five extra pounds does not have any effect on your health. However, an additional 20-30 or 40 pounds can pose many and well-documented risks. Obese people are more likely to have high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attacks, arteriosclerosis and kidney disease. They also have a higher rate of premature death. Due to the extra weight, back disorders, arthritis, and gout are more common in obese people. There are hundreds of diet options available for people who want to lose weight. A doctor should be consulted before anyone embarks on a drastic diet that changes eating habits or food consumption.

The best and most medically sound diets are those that decrease calories but allow for a healthy range of foods. They also encourage changes in eating habits and exercise to ensure that weight loss is not reverted. Although they may be effective in shedding pounds quickly, crash diets that restrict food intake (e.g., grapefruit, rice, or liquid protein diets) are unlikely to work long-term because they don’t help people change their eating habits. No matter what the reason, one can lose weight by changing one’s eating habits. Modifying or changing eating habits into new, learned patterns is essential to maintaining normal weight. Behavioral modification involves learning to eat slowly and only at certain times throughout the day. Alternate ways of dealing with stress can be found. Portion sizes can be reduced. Behavioral programs can be complicated and require the help of a therapist.


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