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What is the right Cherry Juice for me?

People suffering from arthritis, gout, and insomnia are turning to concentrated tart cherry juice for an alternative to traditional medication. Many companies have started to produce their own juice products in line with this trend. With so many options, it can be difficult to choose the right juice for you. You must consider five factors when choosing tart cherry juice concentrate. These factors include the type of cherry, quality, packaging, sediment-free guarantees, and taste.


Research on all types of cherries has shown that the Montmorency tart cherries have the strongest effects on joint pain due to arthritis and count. Other varieties, such as the Balaton and Rainer cherries, were also shown to ease pain but not as much as the Montmorency. Montmorency is the most expensive of all the cherry varieties. It is important to taste this juice if you plan on drinking it. There are three options for juice: aluminum cans, glass bottles and plastic bottles. Glass bottles are preferred by consumers over aluminum cans and plastic bottles.

The glass bottles tasted fresher, according to most consumers. This could be because glass is less prone to leaching. This happens when the product absorbs plastic molecules inside plastic bottles.

Cherry Juice

Cherry juice products may not be the same. The brix level is a measure of the quality of concentrated tart cherry juice. This is the amount of sugar in the juice. A juice of high quality is typically at a level of around 68 brix. Lower brix levels indicate lower quality juice. If a product is free from sediment, it means that there are no particles at the bottom. This is especially true for juice made from cherries.

Look for juices that have no sediment at the bottom of their containers. A lower quality juice is likely to be found if there are sediments. Cherry juice can be packed hot or cold. It must be kept cold until you are ready for it to be drank. These are the ones that you will find in the cold section. After the package is opened, hot packed cherry juice does not need refrigeration.


Even though whole cherries have many health benefits, concentrated tart cherry juice is the best. This is because it has a 12.800 ORAC (oxygen radical absorbency capacity) which is higher than dried cherries’ 6,800 ORAC. There are many types of concentrated juices on the market. These juices can be mixed in a smoothie or added to sparkling water to make a great substitute for soda.


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