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What to expect about Gout?

A proper diagnosis is essential if you suspect you might have gout. A proper diagnosis will allow your doctor to monitor your uric acids and recommend changes that can help you reduce your symptoms. It may also help rule out other conditions like lupus. It is important to get a proper diagnosis. If you take the time to explain your symptoms, it will help your doctor get the right answer faster. Let’s take a look what you can expect to find out when you seek gout diagnosis. Your doctor will likely take a detailed medical history. This includes not only reviewing your symptoms and illnesses, but also gathering information about your family members.


Research has shown that gout can be a result of a strong genetic component. This information can help your doctor determine if a gout test should ever be performed. Your doctor will ask you questions about your lifestyle, diet, and symptoms. Gout can share many symptoms with other medical conditions. However, the way you describe your symptoms could make it more serious.

A symptom diary will help you keep track of all the symptoms you are experiencing and tell your doctor. Your doctor may also want to perform certain tests. One common test is arthrocentesis. This is the procedure that removes fluid from the affected joint. This fluid will contain uric acid crystals in most cases of gout. This test is often performed by a rheumatologist and uses local anesthesia. Although X-rays can be ordered to check for bone damage and crystal deposits, arthrocentesis or blood tests are more effective.

Uric Acid

The presence of uric acids crystals in the joint can help you to be diagnosed more accurately and ensure that you are being treated correctly. Gout treatment and diagnosis are crucial. After all that is said and done, you should consult your doctor to determine the best way to stop gout from developing. Do your research and ask as many questions as possible to anyone who will help you.


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