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Are there effective ways to prevent Uric Acid Stones?

There are many types of kidney stones, including calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate. People with hyperuricemia and gout are at greater risk of developing uric acids stones later in life. If there are no steps taken to lower uric levels, the chances are high that they will form. Uric acid stones can be seen under conventional Xray diagnosis. They are semi-transparent. It will be difficult to tell if you have it until the stones become so large that they block some of your kidney tubules.

Uric Acid Stones

These are the most dangerous kidney stones. They can cause severe damage to your kidneys before you even notice them. It is better to prevent it from forming than to have to remove it later. The result of crystallization in the urinary tracts of uric acid, also known as monosodium-urate crystal (MSU), is uric acid stone. It is important to reduce the conditions that allow crystallization to occur to prevent it from happening. Uric Acid is very solubil. Uric Acid crystallizes when it reaches 0.494 mg/L or 8.3mg/dL.

To prevent the formation urate crystals in your urine, you must drink at least 2 Litres daily of water to increase the urine’s solubility. It is easy to determine if your urine has a thick consistency. It is concentrated if it is dark yellowish or brownish. Healthy people have urine that is slightly yellowish-clear. It is easier for uric acids crystals to form at low or acidic pH. Numerous studies have shown that urate crystals form at pH levels below 5.6.

PH Level

Normal urine pH is around 6.8, which is slightly acidic. You can raise your urine pH to a healthy level by eating more vegetables and fruits, except berries. Reduce your intake of high-protein foods and limit your intake of alcoholic beverages. Each organ of the body is connected to specific reflex points on the feet. To stimulate the internal organs and strengthen their ability to eliminate the acidic toxin from the body, it is a good idea to have professional foot reflexology therapy done once a month.

Sweat! To sweat, go for a jog or sauna at minimum once a week. The skin is the largest organ of the body, with approximately 2 million sweat glands. These are the exit points that your body uses to eliminate unwanted acidic wastes. This is why sweat is salty and sour. You will have a lower chance of developing urate stones or getting gout if you can manage to do at least half of these methods. It is better to prevent a disease than to rely on invasive medications or surgery to treat it.


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