Understanding acupuncture and how it can benefit your brain health is crucial to preventing brain cell death. Acupuncture can reduce pain, balance neurotransmitters, end depression, mood disorders, and decrease inflammation. Current research shows that acupuncture can inhibit the death of neurons in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Acupuncture clearly has the ability to alter brain levels of neurotransmitters. Acupuncture can be used to treat ischemia-induced…
One time, I was asked by a TV interviewer what my definition of true wellness was. My answer was, although too simplified for the scientist, "The absence or recurrence of disease at all levels" - that is, physical, mental, and emotional. I believe that everyone can improve their health by making better decisions. To live a healthier life, my number one rule is to make…
There are more than 100 types of arthritis. The symptoms of arthritis can vary depending on the type of arthritis that a person has been diagnosed with. Although it was previously thought that arthritis is a condition that affects older people, it can affect anyone, regardless of age, race, or sexual orientation. While some doctors believe there are no cures for arthritis or its symptoms,…
Raw apple cider vinegar has not been distilled, distilled, or otherwise altered in any way. It is unfiltered, unheated and unpasteurized with a 5% acidity. The "mother of vinegar", which is also known as the mother of vinegar, is made up of live nutrients and bacteria. This is where the benefits are found. The mother is the most nutritious and has many benefits that are…
Did you know that Gout can cause severe pain in millions of people around the globe? It's true. It is the most common arthritic attack, especially for middle-aged men and post-menopausal women. Gout attacks can cause severe pain and can make a person feel helpless and depressed. Gout can be managed with medications, but most people prefer to use Gout Home remedies to reduce side…
Gout sufferers must get rid of high levels of uric acid. There are two options: natural or pharmaceutical remedies. These are three natural ways to get rid uric acid without side effects or the cost of drugs. Over time, high levels of uric acid can cause crystals in your joints. This can then lead to the horrible symptoms of gout. Purines, both in food and…
If you want to prevent a recurrence, you must follow the gout treatment guidelines. Gout is not a common condition. Gout is a condition where uric acid levels are higher in people who have it. This is a metabolic condition that some people may have. This condition is more common in those who eat organ meats or foods high in protein. This article will discuss…
It is amazing, but it is true that natural arthritis remedies are not associated with side effects. People of all ages are affected by arthritis and joint pains. This is especially true for obese people, older people, and women. The constant strain on these muscles can cause nagging pains in different areas of the body, such as the wrists and toes, knees and shoulders. Gout…