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Can Reflexology Get Rid Of Gout Pain?

Hydrotherapy can be used to treat gout. However, it is not the only treatment. Gout treatment is often done with reflexology. It has been proven to be effective for some people. What is reflexology? Reflexology, also known by zone therapy, is an alternative treatment. It involves stimulating specific points on the feet and hands to promote healing. Reflexology can also be used to improve your overall health. Reflexology can be done on the ears or hands, but it is most commonly used to treat gout.


Reflexologist believe that the foot is composed of different reflex zones that correspond with all other energy zones. The theory is that applying pressure to the “gritty”, or “tight,” points of the foot through massage will stimulate the body’s energy to the point, encouraging self-healing. Reflexology is not intended to diagnose or treat medical conditions. It only works to correct imbalances in the body’s energy.

How does reflexology work The reflexologist massages the designated points on the bare feet with their hands. Other drugs and tools are not used. Gout sufferers can reap the benefits of reflexology. Reflexology can be used to treat gout. The kidneys are responsible for uric acid production. The kidneys can be helped to lower uric acid by stimulating the energy in the feet that correspond to the point. Reflexology can also be used for breaking up any uric acid crystals in the feet.

Side Effects?

Are there side effects? Side effects are rare. Some people may experience nausea, headaches, or sinus congestion following treatment. This side effect is often called a “healing crises” and reflexologists believe it is caused when the body releases toxins. These side effects typically last for less than 24 hours.

Precautions: Reflexology can be effective in relieving gout symptoms for some people. However, it should not be used to treat gouty patients. Imagine how your feet would feel after a deep massage. If done correctly, reflexology can be a great treatment for gout. To get rid of gout, consult your doctor first.


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