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How repeated Gout Attacks cause Damage to the Joints?

It will happen, and the damage is irreversible and permanent. You must act quickly to stop the condition from getting worse. Gout attack is an autoimmune reaction caused by the formation of urate crystals within the synovial fluid. These tiny, needle-like crystals can form overnight without any warning or signs. These solid objects were treated by the immune system as foreign invaders. It will send signals through hormones, enzymes, and other means to activate a number of defense mechanisms.

Did you know?

Gout is a similar reaction to when you get bit by a mosquito’s saliva. However, the gout occurs deep within the joint. Gout can cause inflammation and swelling that lasts for days, with or without medication. Many people believe that gout disappears after the pain has subsided. It is not true! While the immune reaction will eventually subside, it does not mean that the crystals of urate have been removed.

Because urate crystals are not organic, this is why it is so hard to tell if they have been removed. It is not a virus, bacteria, or fungus that can either be destroyed by antibiotics or eaten by phagocytes (a group of white blood cells that eat and ingest harmful bacteria or dying cells). Gout is not caused or aggravated by microbes.

Gout Condition

Gout is a condition that results from one’s lifestyle and diet. After the inflammation has ended, the urate crystals will settle on the cartilage’s surface. A new round of gout will be triggered if there are urate crystals. After that, more sediment will stick to the cartilage. This urate shell layer will get thicker over time.

One part of it will become a drill head or sharp chisel. These ‘urate-chisels’ will scratch the cartilage layer below if there is excessive movement. This condition is known as cartilage lesion, which is when the bones are exposed to the synovial fluids. This will increase the risk that the joint will develop another form arthritis. The joint may become immovable. Don’t wait for your joint to be diagnosed with physical damage. You must take action immediately to reverse the situation. You will lose your precious joints if you regret it later.


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