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How to lower Uric Acid in the Body?

How to Lower Uric Acid in Your Body Naturally will show you 3 easy, natural ways to reduce high levels of uric acid and eliminate your gout. Let’s first look at what causes gout. Uric acid is a byproduct of chemical compounds in the cells of your body being broken down during the natural metabolizing process. Your kidneys process the acid in your body and expel excess through your urine. Hyperuricemia is a condition where Jcrystals form from high acid levels. They can then be deposited in your tissues and joints. These crystals can cause gout attacks.

Uric Acid

You can reduce your body’s uric acid to help you during an attack and between attacks. Traditional drug-based treatments are available, but natural gout remedies are also available. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDs), colchicines and corticosteroids have been shown to be effective in relieving pain and inflammation from gout attacks. Other drugs like allopurinol or probenecid can also help lower acid levels. These drugs only work for as long as they are taken. They must be taken daily over a period of time. As with all pharmaceutical drugs, they can cause severe side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pains, bleeding, skin allergies, and bone thinning.

Natural Remedies

People suffering from gout around the globe are turning to natural remedies to lower their uric acid levels.

  • Vitamin C – Studies have shown that regular intake of vitamin C can reduce uric acid levels. Vitamin C can be found in oranges, mandarins and tangerines. Vitamin C supplements can be very beneficial during an attack.
  • Cherry Juice and Cherries – Studies have shown that cherries have natural anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and uric acid lowering properties. They are therefore ideal for treating an attack and to maintain lower levels of uric acid to prevent future attacks.
  • Alfalfa- Alfalfa is able to neutralize and then reduce the body’s uric acid. It is rich in nutrients and minerals that can improve overall health.

Gout can lead to permanently damaged joints and kidney problems. You are more likely to have another attack after you’ve had your first one. It is important to reduce your uric acids to a lower and healthier level and to maintain that level. While the above mentioned remedies may be helpful, there are many other things you should consider. One of the most important is your diet.


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