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Are there great Gout Alternative Treatments?

Gout alternative treatments are the latest trend in this type of arthritis. There is no cure for gout. Millions suffer from this painful form of arthritis, which is caused by high levels of uric acids between the joints. These remedies naturally lower the level of uric acid in the body by flushing it out. Although uric acid crystals may still be present in the joints, it is possible to significantly reduce gout attacks by learning how you can relieve and treat gout symptoms.

Gout Causes

Gout can most likely be caused by your lifestyle and diet. People who suffer from this type of arthritis are usually those with poor diets and inactive lifestyles. They eat a diet high purines (found in animal-based food). Purines are broken down into uric acids once they reach the body. Most people’s uric acid dissolves in the blood and is processed by the kidney before being eliminated from their bodies through the urine. This disease can cause an increase in uric acid production that is not easily eliminated.

Hyperuricemia is the name of this condition. Hyperuricemia refers to the buildup of uric acid crystals. This is what causes the pain you feel. These crystals can get into the joints and cause pain. Sometimes, the crystals can form lumps under the skin or even interfere with the function of your kidneys. This is a serious condition and you need to choose a treatment that lowers uric acid levels.


Gout treatment alternatives should be considered along with painkillers and anti-inflammatories. Knowledge is key to treating the disease and preventing further damage to your body. It is important to remember that health is not something you can do once a year. You must make your health a priority. These are some tips to help you get rid of your gout symptoms.

  • Pay attention to what you eat! Keep a food diary for one week. Find out what foods and beverages are causing your attacks.
  • Find out which foods could put you at risk. Higher levels of purines are more likely to cause problems. Avoid red meats, kidneys, livers, red meats and fish. These foods should be avoided to start your treatment. After you have reduced your uric acid, you can gradually reintroduce them to your diet.
  • High blood uric acid levels can be caused by obesity. It is a good idea to set a goal of losing 30 pounds or less. You must eat a healthy diet and exercise to lose weight. Other fad diets are unlikely to work.
  • Get vitamins A, E, and B5. Research has shown that vegetables and fruits can dramatically flush uric acid due to their fiber content, nutrients and antioxidant properties. These vitamins are often deficient and can lead to gout.
  • Water can also help prevent the formation of uric acids crystals. Water can also be used to flush out crystals that have formed.


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