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How do I know if I have Gout?

The location of the mono-arthritis at the base of the big toe is characteristic. Indeed, gout usually affects the big toe, even if it can occur in any joint. It occurs as sudden episodes (“attacks”) of severe pain and swelling of a joint, and is one of the causes of acute arthritis.

Gout is a chronic disease, which means that the patient will have attacks – usually less than 2 years apart. So, sudden episodes tend to recur and can affect any joint in successive attacks.

The diagnosis of gout is clinical. It can be confirmed by:

  • a blood test which allows the determination of uric acid levels with a uricemia of more than 360 mmol/L (often >420 mmol/L);
  • a very rapid favourable response to treatment with colchicine which leads to a reduction in pain and inflammation.

Other tests may be useful:

  • an ultrasound scan of the joints to see the uric acid deposits on the joint cartilage and to detect gouty areas not yet visible on clinical examination or X-ray;
  • an X-ray of the affected bones and joints. This examination only reveals late arthropathic bone lesions and the presence of tophi around the joints;
  • a fine needle puncture of joint fluid or a tophus, possibly guided by ultrasound. This examination reveals the presence of uric acid microcrystals.

There are also warning signs of a gout attack:

  • Moderate pain in a joint: it hurts when you put your foot down, bend your arm or your toes, for example,
  • Tingling in the joint: like “pins and needles”,
  • Discomfort: it is difficult to put on a pair of shoes, for example,
  • Limitation of mobility: it is difficult to bend the wrist, to clench the fist, to walk…

Symptoms of a gout attack are :

  • Pain that comes on suddenly, often at night and/or at rest,
  • A pain that pulses: similar to a burning or crushing sensation,
  • Pain that persists for 6 to 12 hours,
  • The affected joint (often the big toe) is red, swollen, very painful and warm to the touch,
  • More rarely, fever and chills may be observed.

Natural remedies for gout are:

Can you prevent gout?

When you have diabetes or high blood cholesterol you follow an eating plan, so why take the chance of an attack of gout once you could prevent it? Avoid foods containing high degrees of purines (the metabolic by-products that the crystals comes): mainly red meat (beef, lamb, pork game) and in addition sweetbreads, liver, kidneys, shellfish, calamari, octopus and anchovies.

Avoid alcohol for at the very least half a year after an attack and drink only in moderation (only two to three units weekly). Avoid cheese, citric fruits, hot curries and nuts because they're acid- and mucus-forming.

Is gout a kind of arthritis?

Gout will be a kind of arthritis that usually happens when our the crystals level builds up inside our blood which in turn causes our joints to turn out to be swollen or inflamed.

Once the body has too much the crystals, it could automatically release synovial fluid round the joints. Furthermore, gout is typical in men, and females after their menopausal time period and those who consume alcohol.

What should you know about gout joint pain?

The affected joint has all of the outward indications of inflammation - swelling, redness, heat, pain, stiffness and lack of function. The feeling is overwhelming. Acupuncture might help the inflammation when you have an attack, but my logic is that people should help the body such that it can prevent such painful complications.

Can gout affect other joints besides the big toe?

Yes, gout can affect other joints besides the big toe. It commonly affects joints in the feet, ankles, knees, wrists, and fingers. In some cases, it can also affect larger joints such as the elbows, shoulders, and hips.

How to combat gout at home?

Modify your daily diet. Avoid purine and uric acid-producing foods such as for example all meats, seafood, and eggs; sugar, tea, espresso, white flour and its items; and all fried, canned, and processed food items. Instead, eat fruits, natural and starchy vegetables, wholegrains and fat-free or low-fat dairy food. Do not consume alcohol, but drink plenty of purified drinking water, as it really helps to flush out surplus uric acid.


  • Ninna
    Posted 28. svibanj 2024 at 16:59

    These Fyron G1+G2 drops arrived on April 26 and I started taking them that day. Normally after sitting for a long period, like watching a movie or getting out of bed in the morning, it takes time, but the next day the stiffness was gone! I can’t explain it, but now I can jump out of bed in the morning.

  • Joey H.
    Posted 2. lipanj 2024 at 15:00

    I have fibromyalgia, and Fyron G1+G2 was suggested to me by a coworker. This definitely helps. I noticed an improvement right away when I started taking this drops, and when I was out of this drops for a while I could feel the difference. This formula Fyron G1+G2 also worked better than a turmeric/curcumin supplement that I picked up at my local Walmart. If you have any inflammation type illnesses, I really recommend giving this a try. I’d recommend taking it right before you’re about to eat so that you can wash the taste out of your mouth.

  • Sherrie
    Posted 5. lipanj 2024 at 21:38

    When I researched natural remedies for knee pain and swelling, I found Boswellia and Curcuma. I decided to try it and am so glad I did. After only two days there was a difference in how my knees felt. The inflammation is almost gone and flexibility improved. I have been a modern dancer for most of my life and that has taken a toll on my knees. So, I am very happy to have found this excellent product Fyron G1+G2 which has worked very well so far.

  • Abdel
    Posted 11. lipanj 2024 at 15:16

    Fyron G1+G2 are easy to use. Good price. Haven’t used it long enough to see a big change yet.

  • Jon
    Posted 13. lipanj 2024 at 16:14

    I’m over 60 and can’t physically tolerate most pain meds. For the last two years I’ve had regular problems waking up with hip and shoulder joint pain during the night, taking what meds I can, and waiting for them to kick in before maybe getting back to sleep soon enough to get 5 or 6 hours in. In the last few months, it’s gotten worse. I’ve been waking up every night and not being able to get back to sleep. I was becoming quite concerned and a bit desperate, which led me to look for a homeopathic remedy. There’ve been studies into Curcuma and Boswellia helping joint pain, so I looked for a highly rated product on Amazon and bought the first one that sounded likely. I started taking this drops before each meal as recommended and after ONLY THREE DAYS I had my first full night’s sleep in months and my pain levels are already ramping down. A miracle cure? Hardly. But I can’t wait to see how I feel after two weeks.

  • Hensler
    Posted 17. lipanj 2024 at 16:41

    These Fyron G1+G2 drops are an unbelievable pain relief. After taking several days my pain in my hip has gone away!! I have been fighting this for several years. I have not taken n inflammatory just tried to deal wit pain by walking and exercise. I recommend these Fyron G1+G2.

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