When microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, parasites and pathogens threaten the body's immune system, it is the first line defense. The immune system can be affected by increased levels of stress, tension, depression and low quality food. If your immune system isn’t working at its full potential, you are more likely to get sick or contract infections. Your daily intake of nutrients is the best way to boost your immune systems. Ayurveda, a system for natural healing that uses herbs to…
This article will focus on how Healing Mineral Water can be used to treat pancreatic disease. American medical professionals and the public are not aware of the Healing Mineral Water's properties. North Americans often think of mineral water only as something to have with meals or as a snack. Healing Mineral Water is more than just something to drink when you feel thirsty. This water is a "magical" water that has healing properties for many chronic conditions. It can also…
High blood pressure is a common condition in America. Most people have been prescribed medication to treat their condition. Each drug can lower blood pressure, but could also cause new, more serious medical conditions. Be sure to fully understand the risks. Ask your doctor why he didn't mention any of the side effects below. The "minor" side effects such as headaches, rashes, and lethargy are not included in the list. This list includes side effects that can cause long-term damage,…
What are some alternative medical techniques? Alternative medical techniques are most often not covered by conventional medical care. They promote holistic healing for pain management. Patients suffering from chronic pain are increasingly being recommended alternative medical treatments by doctors. Recent surveys in the United States have shown that alternative medical techniques are important for personal health and well-being. There is also evidence that alternative medical techniques can be helpful for patients suffering from multiple sclerosis, arthritis, fibromyalgia and back pain.…
Arthritis, a chronic joint disease, causes joint inflammation and sharp pain. Arthritis is caused by factors such as obesity, hormonal imbalance, heredity and past bone injury or infection. The friction between the bone heads at a joint occurs when the cartilages become weaker and less able to repair themselves after daily wear and tear. Friction between bones can cause them to become eroded into osteophytes, pointed spur-like outgrowths, or damage surrounding tissues. This can lead to arthritis or inflammation of…
People in the dance and athletic fields are affected by metatarsalgia. Because of their high impact activities, athletes, sportsmen, and dancers can experience unusual pressure on the foot. The diagnosis or disease is not indicated by the name. It is the name for the symptom. This disorder affects the bones and joints at the ball of your foot. The name means pain in the ball area of the foot. It could be located near the big or next three toes.…
Obesity can be caused by too much fat in the diet. This is a risk factor for many serious diseases. Dietary fats are an energy source for the body and help to regulate many bodily functions like blood pressure, heart beat, and blood clotting. While our bodies need a certain amount to function properly, too much fat can lead to health problems. A low-fat diet is the best. This ensures that our bodies get the right amount of fat and…
Preclampsia or toxicemia usually occurs after the 20th weeks of pregnancy. It is characterized by high blood pressure, edema, and protein in the urine. Extreme cases can quickly progress to eclampsia which is a condition in which the blood pressure rises beyond control. This puts the mother and baby at risk of potentially fatal consequences. It affects approximately 200,000 women in the United States each year. Globally, it is the leading cause of infant and maternal death. Preeclampsia can be…