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traditional Chinese medicine herbal

Does Chinese Medicine treat Osteoarthritis?

Inflammation is a natural response by the body to tissue injury, irritation, or damage. Arthritis refers to inflammation of one or more joints. Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis. The most common signs and symptoms are pain, swelling, stiffness, decreased range of motion, and/or increased stiffness. Some cases can lead to joint damage and deformity. Traditional Chinese Medicine refers to arthritis as a "BI-Syndrom" (pronounced Bee). It is a Chinese term that refers to pain, soreness, or numbness…
Fresh tamarind

Can I eat Caviar for Weight Loss?

We will tell you how caviar can help with weight loss and health. While there is much information available about red caviar, not enough is known about the health benefits of other types of caviar. Pike caviar is a popular type of caviar and is much more affordable. Sometimes diets are made up of lots of carbohydrates and little protein. It is important to remember that you can lose weight by reducing the amount of carbohydrates. You also need to…
Hair conditioner

What are raw Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits?

Raw apple cider vinegar has not been distilled, distilled, or otherwise altered in any way. It is unfiltered, unheated and unpasteurized with a 5% acidity. The "mother of vinegar", which is also known as the mother of vinegar, is made up of live nutrients and bacteria. This is where the benefits are found. The mother is the most nutritious and has many benefits that are spread throughout the liquid. It is important to only use organic apple cider vinegar for…
Calendula flowers

What are Herbs for Home Remedies?

It has an astringent action, which contracts and strengthens the tissues. It can be used to treat diarrhoea-associated inflamed mucous membranes. Blackberry leaves are rich in tannins which soothe sore throats and reduce inflammation of the oral cavity. These nutritive seeds can be given to patients in remission to aid in weight gain, especially in cases where there is morbid inedia (anorexia). They reduce fever and soothe gastric ulcers. Fenugreek can also be used to treat diabetes and lower blood…
Pineapple juicy

Why to eat more Fruits and Vegetables?

Brazil is where the pineapple was first discovered. Later, it was brought to Europe. Historical experts believe that Christopher Columbus was the first European to try this delicious fruit. The pineapple was brought to Europe and cultivated at high temperatures in hot houses. The sweet fruit was a favorite of European royalty. The pineapple was the fruit of the elite and noble. J.D., a young entrepreneur, introduced pineapples to Hawaii in the early 19th century. Dole encouraged the natives grow…
grabbing an ankle

How to deal with Arthritis and Joint Pain?

Arthritis Joints, which are complex structures made up of bone, articular cartilage and peri-articular tissue, play a vital role in normal joint function. They also undergo changes in structure and metabolism when there is a disease. Your physician will be able to give you more details (such as detailed history and lab tests), but rheumatoid and gout joint are red, warm and spongy. Sometimes, psoriatic joints are less tender than those with rheumatoid joints. This can lead to joint deformities…
Borage seeds

What are the Healing Qualities of Borage?

This article explains the healing properties of borage and provides a simple recipe for making an effective remedy to treat many health problems such as anxiety, depression, gallstones (nephrolith), gout, and more. Borage can be grown as an annual or biennial, with a stem that grows to 100 cm in height. The rough hairs cover the branches, leaves, and stems. The leaves have a pleasant, fresh cucumber-like aroma and taste. Blossoms are usually light-blue in color. Sometimes, however, you may…

How to heal with Magnets?

It is believed that the discovery of magnetism was made many hundred years before Christ. The lodestone, a stone with the power to attract, was discovered by the Greeks in 800 B.C. Chinese sailors were able to recognize the directive properties of a magnet and used it for compass purposes. William Gilbert (1540-1603 A.D.), a famous physician and president of England's Royal College of Physicians, was the first Englishman ever to conduct a scientific study of magnetism and electricity. Michael…