Fibromyalgia can be described as a syndrome with a variety of symptoms, including severe muscle pain, fatigue, cognitive, and memory problems. Although there is no cure or known cause for this disorder, researchers have found several methods that could be used to alleviate or suppress the symptoms. Many people resort to avoiding foods that could aggravate their symptoms to relieve their symptoms. There is no one diet or formula that can effectively counter the effects fibromyalgia. Different people may respond…
Electricity has been used to manage pain for many decades. We can actually go back many centuries to the repeated use of electric eels to relieve gout pain. The patient would place the painful area in a bucket with eels to receive pain relief from the shocks of the eels. This is the first time electricity has been used for pain control. It doesn't matter if the pain is acute or chronic, the process of the sensory input for the…
When microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, parasites and pathogens threaten the body's immune system, it is the first line defense. The immune system can be affected by increased levels of stress, tension, depression and low quality food. If your immune system isn’t working at its full potential, you are more likely to get sick or contract infections. Your daily intake of nutrients is the best way to boost your immune systems. Ayurveda, a system for natural healing that uses herbs to…
Cowslip is a perennial that can grow to a height between 15-30 cm. The plant has strong roots with no branches and many tiny thread-like root systems. Rootstock measures 6-8 cm in length. The leaves can reach up to 20 cm in length and 6 cm in width. They are arranged in a rosette. The corolla is yellow with an orange point at its base. The herb blooms between May and June.Take NoteBlossoms may contain essential oil,…
Did you know that you can diagnose your own or others by simply looking at their faces? This fascinating method originated in the East and has been used for many years. Take a look in the mirror and do a self-examination. Take a look at the whites of both your eyes. Are you noticing red vessels? It could be that you are not getting enough sleep or are spending too much time at the computer. It is a sign that…
It shouldn't surprise you to hear that your answer is "yes, but I'm confused about all these so-called diets." One expert may tell you that low carbohydrate (low-carb) and high protein are the best ways to lose weight. Another expert will convince you that lots of carbs, low fat, and fresh fruits and veggies are the best ways to lose weight. Another will tell you to count your sugar intake. Or that white flour is the main reason you are…
Many people still rely on alternative medications and believe in their effectiveness. These products are still widely used because of their natural properties. Rosehip is one such product that is extremely effective. However, its health benefits are not well-known. Rosehip is the fruit of rose plants and is extremely nutritious. Its skin is initially green but then turns orange after it has fully ripened. However, some species can turn black or dark purple. The most prized rose species are the…