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Is Alkaline Water the best Gout Remedy?

There are many gout remedies on the market today. NSAIDS – anti inflammatory drugs that reduce swelling in the affected muscles are the most popular. Even these so-called remedies can have unwanted side effects. Worse, these side effects aren’t worth it since they don’t cure the disease. Prescription drugs are not a long-term solution to the pain. Gout attacks can still occur after the medicine has worn off. They become more severe and painful with time. Are these gout remedies all that are available?

Gout Remedies

Alkaline water is the best gout remedy currently on the market. This is because they have spent years researching the matter. How is this possible? To understand how alkaline water works you first need to identify and understand what causes gout. Gout is another type of arthritis. It is marked by the formation uric acid crystals. These crystals form when the kidney cannot process the excess uric acid in bloodstream.

This uric acid can’t be eliminated from the body so they build up in cold areas such as the extremities. The acid crystallizes when it is exposed to cold temperatures. This means that gout can be avoided by finding ways to reduce, if not eliminate, the amount of uric acids in the body. Although it may seem simple, acid crystals are tolerant to many solvents, including alcohol and water. They have only shown positive reactions to alkali salts so far.

Recent laboratory tests showed that alkali sodium salts can dissolve uric acids crystals. These results are encouraging because they suggest that alkali salts could be one of the long-lost gout treatments that nature has to offer. However, drinking lots and lots of alkaline water will not cure or prevent the disease. This is because uric acid is primarily derived from the foods and beverages you eat and drink. You should pay more attention to what you eat.


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