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Uśmiechnięty aktywny senior

Jakie są etapy przewlekłej dny moczanowej?

Purines are a naturally occurring substance found in food and in our bodies' tissues. Purines are broken down by the human body using uric acid. A high Purine diet can lead sometimes to excessive uric acid production. Gout, a type of arthritis, develops when uric acid starts to build up. Gout is when uric acid crystallizes into sharp, jagged forms in the blood stream. Gout…
Mieszanka grzybów leśnych

Czy istnieje lista pokarmów, których należy unikać w przypadku dny moczanowej?

Gout sufferers are often aware that seafood and meats can cause gout pain. Sometimes, gout sufferers don't know which foods to avoid when they have gout. Gout is caused when there is too much uric acid in your body. This begs the obvious question: What causes the uric acid? Purine is the main ingredient in foods that causes uric acid. It is notable that seafood…