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группа цеолитов

Почему цеолит важен для моего здоровья?

Zeolite, a mineral and an aluminosilicat, is formed from the interaction of hot lava from volcanoes with sea or ocean water. There are many types and compositions of zeolites today. However, only two have been used for therapy: Clinoptilolite or Chabazite. Frederik Cronstedt, a Swedish mineralogist, gave the term "zeolite". It comes from Antique Greek which means "to boil". In a mot-a–mot translation, the term "zeolite" would refer to "the…
Выбор эфирных масел

Существует ли холистический протокол для страдающих фибромиалгией?

Fibromyalgia can be a life-long condition that requires a complete life-changing treatment. There is no "cure" for fibromyalgia. However, there is hope for those who are open to looking at their condition from many different angles. If you've tried conventional medical treatment, you know that you've hit many brick walls. It is difficult to believe that anyone outside of this realm can tell you that there is a solution. This…
Свежая клубника

Каковы чудеса клубники?

Strawberry is a small, red-colored, juicy fruit that can be eaten straight or in desserts. It is a favorite fruit all over the world. It is low in calories and contains no fat. They are also high in vitamins B6, vitamin C, fiber, potassium, and folic acid. Strawberries can be grown in America, Europe, Asia, and Europe. Many varieties have been successfully grown in Australasia, Africa. To increase their size…
Ложка пищевой соды

Изменит ли щелочная вода мою жизнь?

Alkaline Water is alkaline-based and therefore healthier than piped water. It has many health benefits and is an effective anti-oxidant. Alkaline is essential for your body to digest food and keep all systems running smoothly. It also helps to heal any damage. Alkaline balances pH levels that are affected by eating acidic foods and drinking bubbly sodas. There has been much debate about the quality of government-provided drinking water in…
Молодой мужчина с избыточным весом

Каковы преимущества снижения веса для здоровья?

There is a strong correlation between your personal investment and participation in weight loss and your potential success in any weight loss program. Understanding the amazing health benefits of weight loss is one of the best ways you can increase your sense of investment in this topic. It is well-known that stroke and heart disease are the leading causes of increasing disability and death in the United States. These are…
банабовый завод

Каковы лекарственные свойства дерева Банаба?

Few trees can have both medicinal and aesthetic benefits. The banaba tree (Lagerstroemia speciesa) is one such example. The banaba tree can grow up to 20 meters in height and is found in tropical countries such as the Philippines. It is a flowery tree and is often planted in rural areas to provide ornamental trees. The bright purple flowers make it a striking sight when they are in bloom. Banaba…
Жареный лосось

Как правильно есть рыбу?

Fish is a popular choice for many people because of its delicious taste and high nutritional content. There are many ways to eat fish nowadays. But not all of the different eating options are good for your health. Even worse, improper eating habits can seriously harm your health. Here are some ways to avoid eating fish. Many people believe fresh fish is better for our health so they prefer to…
Образец мочи

Как снизить уровень мочевой кислоты в организме?

Gout can be eliminated in many natural ways. Many of these natural remedies can be used to reduce uric acid levels in the body. Here are 7 tips to help you reduce your uric acids naturally without the need for medication. To prevent the formation urate crystals in the joints, keep hydrated. Drinking plenty of water can also help to eliminate excess acid from your system. Gout prevention is as…