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Allergy food concept

What are Allergies and how to treat them?

We need to be aware of how allergies affect us and those we care about. Allergies are becoming more complex. There are many types of allergies that can affect everyone. These are the essential facts that everyone should know about allergies to increase awareness and improve our knowledge. What is an allergy? An allergy is a disorder in the immune system that causes a severe reaction to foreign substances that appear harmless. The foreign object that causes an unusual reaction…
Heart and brain.

How to enhance my Sensual Awareness?

The precious gift of life is our five senses, sight, hearing, smell and taste. Our sensual responses to the world are diminished if we ignore or suppress them. We are more likely to feel stressed and upset, and our ability to heal from illnesses is slower. When any one of our senses ceases to function, when we are in fear or in the throes if passion, all of these senses become more responsive. It is possible to bring more sensual…