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Rosemary essential oil

Can Ayurvedic Herbs boost Immunity?

When microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, parasites and pathogens threaten the body's immune system, it is the first line defense. The immune system can be affected by increased levels of stress, tension, depression and low quality food. If your immune system isn’t working at its full potential, you are more likely to get sick or contract infections. Your daily intake of nutrients is the best way to boost your immune systems. Ayurveda, a system for natural healing that uses herbs to…
Bunch of fresh raw garden asparagus

Why to apply these Diabetes Tips?

Millions of people around the world struggle with diabetes. Diabetes is a serious condition that should not be ignored. However, it can be managed with the right information and advice. This article provides information and advice to help with diabetes. To lose weight and maintain a regular diet, diabetics should increase fiber intake. Fiber has also been shown to not increase blood sugar after eating, so it can help you feel full without causing a sugar spike. Many fruits and…
Guelder Rose

What are Guelder Rose Healing Properties?

Ornamental plants are meant to delight your heart and eyes. They can also be used for medical purposes. Black chokeberry fruits are rich in sugars, flavonoids and vitamins C, P, vitamin C, carotene, organic acid, tannins, and other biologically active substances. These fruits are especially recommended for people suffering from indigestion. They have been shown to reduce atherosclerosis and blood pressure. People with gastritis, excessive gastric acids secretion, and low blood pressure should not consume the juice and fruits of…
Various dried medicinal herbs

What are uncommon Herb Remedies?

Cowslip is a perennial that can grow to a height between 15-30 cm. The plant has strong roots with no branches and many tiny thread-like root systems. Rootstock measures 6-8 cm in length. The leaves can reach up to 20 cm in length and 6 cm in width. They are arranged in a rosette. The corolla is yellow with an orange point at its base. The herb blooms between May and June.Take NoteBlossoms may contain essential oil,…