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Smiling woman exercising

What to know about Pilates Therapy?

Both physical therapy and Pilates are great options for body strengthening. They work well together and can stand on their merits. Combining Pilates therapy with regular Pilates work in a rehabilitation setting can provide a powerful combination to improve your body's appearance and speed up your healing process. This combination is your best chance to be healthier and fitter. First, let's learn a bit about Pilates and physical therapy to fully appreciate the benefits of this dynamic duo. In the…
Fresh vegetable salad

Why to cheat my Way Thin Diet ?

Let's take a moment to review the different aspects of this diet plan. Is cheating possible in a diet? I would have answered "no" if you asked me this question a while back. Joel Marion discovered this fact by accident. He tried cheating for a week during his diet and noticed that it sped up his metabolism which led to him losing more weight than when following the diet to its letter. He didn't lose anything while he was following…
Female breast

What are Facts about Breast Cancer?

Did you know that 3 out 4 women are either diagnosed with breast cancer, or have a family member with this disease? The U.S. estimates that about 12% of women are affected by breast cancer. This deadly disease can affect both men and women, with women suffering at the highest rate. It is more common in the U.S. women, but it has been increasing in Asia, Africa, Middle East, and Middle East over the past decade. Imagine that by 2020,…
Intermittent fasting

What should I be doing to Lose Weight?

The average diet requires that a person work hard for a while to lose weight, then they are left to maintain their results. Most "diets" don’t work. They can actually help someone lose weight and increase muscle mass. The person will inevitably gain all of the weight gained after the diet is over. Do you feel this way? This isn't unusual. Most people don’t know what it takes to lose weight, not just the "fat", and be able keep it…
Couple staying hydrated

Is there Safe Natural Healthy Weight Loss?

About 65% of North Americans are overweight or chubby. As a Registered Nurse, I see the complications and results of this growing issue every day. My goal is to help people lose weight safely and healthy. The results they achieve are not long-lasting. It is better to rely on a healthy weight loss option that will give you lasting results. It is important to set realistic goals and not expect to lose a lot of weight in a short amount…
Jeans and measuring subject

What is Obesity again?

Obesity can be a serious condition. It is more than being overweight. Overweight is defined as a person's body weight that is greater than the recommended healthy weight for their height. However, it could also be caused by other factors such as bone density, body structure, medication, and other health issues. Morbid obesity refers to the unhealthy condition where excess body fat is dangerous to an individual’s overall health. This term is usually used to describe people who are at…
Lots of broken white eggshells

Can I quickly lose Weight?

For someone who has never had to take a serious look at their diet and understand the basics of digestion, losing weight can seem daunting. You can achieve your weight loss goals if you have the right knowledge, regular exercise, and a strong desire. Fat loss is determined by calories. Calories refer to the energy in the food that you eat. Certain foods contain more calories than others. No matter what food or combination of foods you eat, if you…
pear with arrows

Why Weight Loss is so complicaded?

Although weight loss is a common part of daily life, it's not an easy goal. It is something we do every day. There are a few ways to lose weight safely and effectively. Weight gain and weight loss are directly related the balance between calories you eat and calories you burn through exercise and daily activities like sports. A "natural weight" should be your goal. The average teenager needs 1,700 to 3,000 calories per day to meet their physiologic needs,…