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Various dried medicinal herbs

What are uncommon Herb Remedies?

Cowslip is a perennial that can grow to a height between 15-30 cm. The plant has strong roots with no branches and many tiny thread-like root systems. Rootstock measures 6-8 cm in length. The leaves can reach up to 20 cm in length and 6 cm in width. They are arranged in a rosette. The corolla is yellow with an orange point at its base. The herb blooms between May and June.Take NoteBlossoms may contain essential oil,…
Soy flour

What are the Dangers of Too Much Soy?

Soy is a controversial food product today. There are many positive and negative sides to soy. From being a superfood to being linked to many health problems, soy has been rebranded. Personal trainer, I take nutrition very seriously. I wouldn't recommend a product based on the first positive review. I would recommend that you avoid soy. I spent a lot time researching the various studies and would not recommend this product. The potential dangers of soy are far greater than…