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Rheumatoid arthritis

What are The Different Types of Arthritis?

There are more than 100 types of arthritis. However, most people have one of the most common. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. This is a degenerative joint disorder, usually caused by the body's natural decline over time. Osteoarthritis can also be caused by trauma to the joints or infection. According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, one in eight Americans over 25 suffers from osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis can be caused by both injury…
Vitamin D supplement

Why to take Fish Oil Supplements?

This surprised me: Why do you take fish oil supplements? This was the question one of my friends asked me just a few days ago. You are not alone if you have not yet discovered the many health benefits these supplements offer. Continue reading to find out the answer to the question: Why take fish oil supplements? Omega 3 fatty acids are essential for overall health. Fish oil is rich in Omega 3 fatty acid. These fatty acids are vital…
pineapple bromelain

Are there Natural Painkillers for Gout?

Gout pain is usually treated with painkillers. Natural painkillers are also available for gout. Let's first look at the most common drug-based gout painkillers currently in use. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDs) are the most popular. Side effects include nausea, vomiting, stomach pains, bleeding, and ulcers. These powerful drugs can have side effects as well as being effective. You may experience stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting, as well as diarrhea and a lowered immunity to infection.Natural Painkillers Gout sufferers are…
Fish oil capsules

What to know about Home Care for Gout?

Gout is a condition that is often mentioned in literature and historical records. Gout is a painful condition that causes inflammation of the limbs, particularly the big toe. Gout is more common in people with a family history. It is possible that their ancestors also suffered from it. Other people can get it because of their lifestyle and physiology. Gout is a form of arthritis that can make it difficult for people to work and leave them with painful joints.…
aromatherapy session

What are top Gout Causes?

Gout is a painful condition that millions of Americans suffer from. Gout is often blamed on excessive alcohol consumption and eating rich foods. This condition was once called the blight on kings. However, it is now common in all walks of life. It is possible to avoid the pain and get rid of gout by understanding the causes. Gout is often a hereditary condition. It is more likely that you will develop it if your parents have it. It can…
Fresh Pressed Juice

Is my Favorite Beverage causing my Gout?

You can do all you can to prevent a possible gout attack. However, you might want to check into your favorite drinks to ensure that they are not increasing your chances of getting recurrent gout attacks. Gout levels have increased by more than 50% in the United States over the past few decades. Gout attacks have increased due to an increase in fructose intake from soft drinks and other sugary food. Fructose, a simple sugar, is known to increase body…
grabbing his feet

What to know about Gout?

Gout was first identified by the Egyptians over 4,000 years ago. Hippocrates, the Greek physician and "father of medicine," wrote about it. Hippocrates also noted the link between gout and alcohol consumption and high-quality foods and drinks. Gout is now understood to be a common condition. Once considered a disease of the wealthy, it was called the "disease for kings." Gout can be caused by food and drink, but there are other risk factors such as genes.Gout Condition Gout…
True and false

What are common Gout Myths?

Gout myths are persistent and numerous. This amazes me. You can find contradictory information on many websites about gout and gout treatments if you just look at a few. Even supposedly reliable sites, it won't take long to find them. These myths are the main reason why gout care has become so poor over the past decade. Bad information is constantly being passed around - over and again. This article will help to dispel some of these myths.Myths and…