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What to know about Gout and Weight Loss?

Gout is a condition that affects millions of people, but it doesn't get the same attention or research as other prominent diseases. Gout can still be managed if the right steps are taken. Most people either live with the pain or visit the doctor to get prescriptions for medicines that relieve the symptoms but not the root cause. Obesity is a major risk factor for gout. This article will discuss the relationship between obesity and gout, and provide information on…
grabbing unhealthy food

Why to lose Weight for Gout?

Gout sufferers often find it difficult to control their weight. But it is worth the effort. Gout can be prevented by losing weight. Studies have shown that being overweight or obese can increase the risk of developing gout. Additional weight can put more pressure on the joints, which can increase the pain during a bout of gout. This can also increase the risk for permanent joint damage. Gout attacks are made worse by damaged joints that have higher levels of…
Balanced nutrition

Why To Folow A Gout Weight Loss Diet?

Although not fatal, arthritis can be very painful. It can cause tissue damage if left untreated. Gout is a type of arthritis. Gout is caused by small crystals building up in the joints. These crystals are mainly composed of uric acids. These crystals can cause severe pain, swelling, inflammation, and redness in the area. Normaly, our bodies have a system that regulates the amount of uric acid. Arthritis can develop when the kidneys fail to regulate it. Purine is a…
legs on the scales

Does Weight Loss slow Damage in Weight Bearing Joints?

As we age, our bodies tend to weaken, especially in the joints. This is why many elderly people experience bone-related problems that can affect their movement and general health. Arthritis is the most common bone disease that affects them. Although there are many types of arthritis, most share the same symptoms. There are lupus and rheumatoid, as well as gout and gout. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. This type of arthritis mainly affects the weight bearing joints…