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Balanced diet nutrition

What are Natural Supplements good for?

Supplements and natural remedies are not considered drugs because they don't claim to cure, prevent, or treat certain conditions. The use of the words "assists", "helps," "can minimize" in the descriptions does not mean that any claim to cure or control could be made. They can only claim to cure symptoms, such as being tired and lethargic or lacking energy. It is illegal to market or make claims about a supplement as a cure or treatment for any disease. This…
Celery and broccoli

Why is Celery Juice son nutritious?

Celery juice is one of the most popular vegetable juices. Celery juice is not only a great choice for mixing with other juices but also a very nutritious drink on its own. Celery juice is rich in vitamins B and C as well as a variety of minerals such as potassium, phosphorus and sodium. Celery juice is known to have a soothing effect due to the essential oils, which have a regulatory impact on the nervous system. It is recommended…