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What to know about Pilates Therapy?

Both physical therapy and Pilates are great options for body strengthening. They work well together and can stand on their merits. Combining Pilates therapy with regular Pilates work in a rehabilitation setting can provide a powerful combination to improve your body's appearance and speed up your healing process. This combination is your best chance to be healthier and fitter. First, let's learn a bit about Pilates and physical therapy to fully appreciate the benefits of this dynamic duo. In the…
baking soda on spoon

What are the Benefits of drinking Alkaline Water?

Proper pH Balance and drinking alkaline water are key to vibrant health and energy. Proper nutrition is the foundation of pH balance. A healthy, energetic, and vibrant body is one that is pH balanced. If your body is too acidic, it can become tired, sick, and even diseased. The first step to pH balancing should be drinking alkaline, structured, mineral-rich water. Sung Bong, author of History Alkaline Water Maker, states that the Japanese discovered alkaline water (or even ionized) was…
whole and crushed flax seeds

How to reduce Uric Acid?

Learn how to lower uric acid with 5 easy natural remedies you can do at home. To reduce uric acid and obtain gout relief, you don't have to take drugs. Gout sufferers are increasingly turning to natural remedies, which don't have the side effects and high cost of prescriptions. Uric acid is a natural byproduct of the body's breakdown of purines. Purines are vital for life as they convert genes into proteins and food into energy. They protect your cells…
Rheumatoid arthritis,

How can Exercise help with Arthritis?

Arthritis is a combination of two Greek words: Arthon and itis. Arthon is a word that means burning and itis a feeling. There is arthritis pain, inflammation, stiffness, and stiffness. The severity of joint pain can vary greatly, from a sharp stabbing sensation to a burning sensation to grinding pain. Chronic cases may show deformity in one or several joints. While most chronic pain sufferers find ways and means to manage their pain, there is no way to eliminate it.…