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Preparation of homemade tincture

What are helpful Natural Heartburn Treatments?

Many herbs have been used for centuries to treat ailments. There are many herbs that can provide natural heartburn relief for GERD sufferers. Here are six herbs that can be used for acid reflux relief. Chamomile has been used for centuries to provide sedative and antispasmodic properties. Chamomile can be taken orally to induce relaxation and calm the mind. This has led some to believe it may have anti-anxiety properties. Despite its potential anti-anxiety properties, chamomile is also antispasmodic, which…
Homemade healthy low carb or ketogenic

How to naturally deal with Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia can be described as a syndrome with a variety of symptoms, including severe muscle pain, fatigue, cognitive, and memory problems. Although there is no cure or known cause for this disorder, researchers have found several methods that could be used to alleviate or suppress the symptoms. Many people resort to avoiding foods that could aggravate their symptoms to relieve their symptoms. There is no one diet or formula that can effectively counter the effects fibromyalgia. Different people may respond…
senior man's hands

How to manage Incontinence?

Caffeine can cause sudden urges to urinate. It is both a diuretic as well as a bladder stimulant. Caffeine can cause more incontinence if you already have it. It is not always easy to cut caffeine. Incontinence management is not the only reason to reduce caffeine intake. Too much caffeine can lead to premature death, raise blood pressure, cause indigestion, insomnia, and be harmful for type 2 diabetes. Although caffeine can increase your energy and help you get through your…
Lily with acupuncture needles

How can Acupuncture heal my Brain?

Understanding acupuncture and how it can benefit your brain health is crucial to preventing brain cell death. Acupuncture can reduce pain, balance neurotransmitters, end depression, mood disorders, and decrease inflammation. Current research shows that acupuncture can inhibit the death of neurons in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Acupuncture clearly has the ability to alter brain levels of neurotransmitters. Acupuncture can be used to treat ischemia-induced apoptosis. It can be used for treatment of ischemic cerebral injuries, as well as other…
Smiling woman exercising

What to know about Pilates Therapy?

Both physical therapy and Pilates are great options for body strengthening. They work well together and can stand on their merits. Combining Pilates therapy with regular Pilates work in a rehabilitation setting can provide a powerful combination to improve your body's appearance and speed up your healing process. This combination is your best chance to be healthier and fitter. First, let's learn a bit about Pilates and physical therapy to fully appreciate the benefits of this dynamic duo. In the…
Fresh tamarind

Can I eat Caviar for Weight Loss?

We will tell you how caviar can help with weight loss and health. While there is much information available about red caviar, not enough is known about the health benefits of other types of caviar. Pike caviar is a popular type of caviar and is much more affordable. Sometimes diets are made up of lots of carbohydrates and little protein. It is important to remember that you can lose weight by reducing the amount of carbohydrates. You also need to…
Medicinal Pau d'Arco

What are Sports Supplements good for?

Sports supplements are products used by athletes to improve their performance. These supplements are available on the market as energy bars, sports drinks, and energy gels. These products include amino acids, vitamins and herbal extracts, minerals, and plant extracts. Supplements may also contain fiber such as psyllium and guar gum, enzymes, and other hormone-mimicking compounds. Since time immemorial, these ergogenic products were used by athletes. The ancient Greeks used mushrooms as a way to improve their athletic skills. Today's sport…
Female breast

What are facts about Breast Cancer?

Did you know that 3 out 4 women are either diagnosed with breast cancer, or have a family member with this disease? The U.S. estimates that about 12% of women are affected by breast cancer. This deadly disease can affect both men and women, with women suffering at the highest rate. It is more common in the U.S. women, but it has been increasing in Asia, Africa, Middle East, and Middle East over the past decade. Imagine that by 2020,…