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Young green needles of a spruce

What are the Healing Qualities of Spruce?

This article will discuss the healing properties of spruce and how to use it for various health problems. External use of the decoction of new tops and cones, needles and needles is recommended. To relieve gout and rheumatism pain, you can add it to your bath water. It can also be used to treat neuritis, joint pain, and radiculitis. Infuse the herbs with 3-5 liters water. Boil the infusion for a while. Let it cool, then let it brew. The…
Stock photo of Amla/Avla/Aavla

Do Herbal Remedies from South America control Menopause?

You might be worried about the availability of herbal remedies from South America, given all the news coverage on the destruction of the Amazon rain forest. What happens to all the amazing herbs that millions of women use every day to get relief from menopause? This is a serious problem and it's only getting worse. Not only are rain forests becoming less productive and plants disappearing at alarming rates, but wild herbal remedies are also under threat. It is not…
dried rosmary

What is the Link between Weight Loss and Hair Loss?

Is there a connection between weight loss and hair loss? There are many factors that can cause hair loss. Hair grows in a continuous cycle of growing, resting and shedding. The whole process is repeated over and over again. It is common for between 50 and 100 hair strands to fall each day. You don't have to worry about it because every strand that falls out is replaced with a new one. Both come from the same follicle, which is…