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Female scientist

What are the Basics of Medical Marijuana?

The debate over medical marijuana in the United States has been settled for a long time. It is now legal to purchase marijuana in 23 states. In Washington and Colorado, marijuana can also be legally used for recreational purposes. It is clear that marijuana's medicinal benefits far outweigh any potential side effects. But not everyone believes that medical marijuana should be legalized. Australia is not the only country that is considering legalizing marijuana use. Here are some of the arguments.…
Intermittent fasting

What should I be doing to Lose Weight?

The average diet requires that a person work hard for a while to lose weight, then they are left to maintain their results. Most "diets" don’t work. They can actually help someone lose weight and increase muscle mass. The person will inevitably gain all of the weight gained after the diet is over. Do you feel this way? This isn't unusual. Most people don’t know what it takes to lose weight, not just the "fat", and be able keep it…
Acai berry powder in spoon

How to lose Weight with Herbal Techniques?

Imagine no restrictive diets, no false promises, or crazy exercise routines. Simple herbal weight loss combined with a healthy diet that is in harmony with your body's natural rhythms. Many people have lost touch with the needs of their bodies to sustain themselves. This leads to us gaining weight, which causes us not to listen to the body's natural signals of hunger. As these natural signals become more distorted, we lose sight of the fact they exist. The world we…
long dark hair

What are Causes of Loss of Hair?

This article will discuss the causes of hair fall. It can be difficult to lose your hair. Hair is such an integral part of our physical appearance, that when it falls out, it can cause a loss of self-confidence and self-esteem. It is important to understand the reasons your hair is falling out, and what steps you can take in order to fix it. Hair loss can be caused by many things. Hair loss can occur if you have been…
Beautiful young woman

Is there a natural Hair Loss Remedy?

Are you looking for a way to reduce hair loss? Do you know the cause of your hair loss? Normal hair growth cycles last between two and six years. Each hair grows approximately one centimetre per month. Unknowingly losing 20 to 100 hair strands every day is normal. However, there are some people who experience excessive hair loss. Hair falls are not something to be taken lightly, regardless of gender. Hair, our crowning glory, is a statement that defines us…
ankle injury

How to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid-arthritis is not curable. The goal of treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis is to reduce joint inflammation, pain, maximize joint function, prevent joint destruction, and deformity. Early intervention is key to reducing chronic joint inflammation and soft tissue swelling. A comprehensive treatment program is necessary to provide optimal care. This disease affects the peripheral joints, such as the hands, feet, wrists and knees. It also affects the surrounding muscles, tendons and ligaments. It can also affect internal organs such as the…
traditional Chinese medicine

Why to try Obesity with Chinese Medicine?

In my previous article about obesity, I discussed the main Chinese Medical reasons for weight problems. You eat the wrong foods, especially grains (carbohydrate-rich), and you eat cold or oversweetened foods like ice cream and chocolates. This second article will explore the details and discuss the body types and patterns that can make each person's weight loss problems unique. It is important to tailor treatment to each individual. You've probably seen cases where a weight loss diet or supplement worked…
Kava Kava roots

Is Kava Kava good for combat Anxiety?

Kava Kava for Anxiety? Kava kava can be found on many South Pacific islands. It is part of the same family as pepper. This herb has been used as an alternative medicine by the South Pacific Islanders for more than 3000 years. It is still used in many tribal rituals as a ceremonial beverage. Kava kava's root contains active ingredients called "kavalactones", which have been shown to have a calming effect on the body and mind. It can be used…