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Sweet, juicy

What are Benefits of Eating Fruits?

This raw pineapple ice-cream dessert is great for those who want to eat healthy and still enjoy ice-cream-like desserts. This ice cream is a classic raw recipe that raw foodists have been making for years. Although it isn't made with cream, the texture is similar to ice cream, sherbet, or sorbet. It is quite surprising when you first make it. It's easy to make and is one of the easiest recipes if you want to eat well and have healthy…

Why to eat a lot of Cherries?

The Leelanau Peninsula, also known as Michigan's little fingers, is unlocking its most valuable secret: the health benefits that cherries offer! Cherry flavor is what we all love. They've been a favorite ingredient in cooking for many years, as well as some of our favorite drinks. Researchers are now pointing out that cherries have more to them than meets the eye. Cherries are Magic! My personal experience with cherries was more than amazing. In my thirties, I felt a throbbing…
Red powder pepper

Can Supplements cure High Blood Pressure?

You want to stop taking medication for your hypertension. Your doctor will not help you. But where can you go? You can find free information on high blood pressure, as well as simple ways to treat and prevent it, online. Be sure to research it! Unfortunately, most western patients don't believe in natural remedies. Western medicine and doctors have been brainwashed to believe that natural health is taboo. Research shows that natural remedies and other treatments can sometimes outperform traditional…