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Preparation of homemade tincture

What are helpful Natural Heartburn Treatments?

Many herbs have been used for centuries to treat ailments. There are many herbs that can provide natural heartburn relief for GERD sufferers. Here are six herbs that can be used for acid reflux relief. Chamomile has been used for centuries to provide sedative and antispasmodic properties. Chamomile can be taken orally to induce relaxation and calm the mind. This has led some to believe it may have anti-anxiety properties. Despite its potential anti-anxiety properties, chamomile is also antispasmodic, which…
baking soda on spoon

What are the Benefits of drinking Alkaline Water?

Proper pH Balance and drinking alkaline water are key to vibrant health and energy. Proper nutrition is the foundation of pH balance. A healthy, energetic, and vibrant body is one that is pH balanced. If your body is too acidic, it can become tired, sick, and even diseased. The first step to pH balancing should be drinking alkaline, structured, mineral-rich water. Sung Bong, author of History Alkaline Water Maker, states that the Japanese discovered alkaline water (or even ionized) was…
Cup of healthy marigold tea

What are Health Benefits of Calendula?

Calendula tea can be used to treat a sore or sore throat. You can gargle calendula three times per day to ease the pain. Calendula can reduce swelling and pain, making it useful for sore throats. Calendula can be used to treat acne. Calendula tea is a great way to wash your face every night. Acne is caused by swelling of the glands due to bacterial infection. Calendula tea contains powerful anti-bacterial compounds that kill bacteria and active anti-inflammatory substances…
poisonberry with selective focus

What is Bitter Nightshade good for?

Bitter nightshade can be described as a bush with a prostrate or climbing stem that is up to 1.5 meters in length. The stem is branched. The violet blossoms are arranged in curlicues. They can be viewed from May to September. The fruit is a red, juicy berry that looks like an egg. It is a rich source of many seeds. You can find bitter nightshade in damp areas near lakes, ditch slopes, swamp forests, brushwood, and along riverside. The…
fresh vegetables, fruits,

How is Gout diagnosed?

What are the symptoms? What are the risk factors for gout? How is gout diagnosed and treated? Who should diagnose and treat the condition? How can gout be treated? How can I improve my quality life? Gout is a very common form of inflammatory arthritis. Gout usually affects one joint at time (often the big-toe joint). There are times when symptoms are worse, called flares, and others when they are not. Gouty arthritis can be worsened by repeated bouts of…
blue grapes

What to know about Purines?

Gout flare-ups can be extremely painful. You need to act quickly to relieve your symptoms. You can make a big difference by changing your diet. Learn how to reduce gout by making some lifestyle changes. Gout flare-ups are caused by too much uric acids in your blood. High levels of uric acids can cause uric acid crystals to form in your joints and connective tissues. Your body metabolizes chemical compounds called 'purines', which results in uric acid. Purines can also…
Alkaline foods

Ia Acid Alkaline Diet a healthy Diet Strategy?

Are you conscious of the health effects of the foods you eat? Do you ever wonder what that fatty steak dinner might do to your arteries. Do you ever wonder what happens to your stomach and kidneys when you drink too much alcohol? Do you ever feel heartburn? The acid alkaline diet is a concept that many people have never heard of. You are not the only one who answered yes to any of these questions. Many people don't think…
office syndrome

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can be diagnosed if you have the following symptoms: Do you feel tingling in your thumb? What about your middle, index, and ring fingers. Do you wake up in the middle of the night from pain? Is it possible to move, shake, or massage the pain with your hand? Is the pain sometimes felt in the arm or shoulder? Is there numbness or a sensation of numbness? Do you feel numb? Carpal Tunnel Syndrome affects the wrist…