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How does Gouty Tophi form in my Body?

Gouty tophi is a tumor-like growth that appears on the skin of gout patients who have been suffering from hyperuricemia or high uric acid for many years. Gouty tophi is a sign of gout and can develop in a later stage. To understand how gouty-tophi forms in your body, it is necessary to first understand how the body regulates the level of uric acid in the blood. This is because uric acid is the raw material that causes gouty-tophi formation. Tophus, another form of urate crystallization, is another.


The liver will break down excess purine in the body and send it to the kidneys. Urine is then filtered through the bloodstream to the kidneys to be eliminated through urination. The blood uric acid level will remain healthy as long as the kidneys function well. Problems arise when the kidneys stop flushing out the uric acids for a variety of reasons. The problem occurs when the kidney output drops but the liver continues to churn out the acid into bloodstream.

This will lead to a buildup of acids in the body. Keep in mind that blood pH must remain between 7.3 and 7.4 to allow for optimal internal body environment for different metabolism processes. The body will seek out other ways to eliminate the uric acids from the bloodstream if the pH drops below 7.3. If it fails to do this, and the blood pH drops below 7.3, you will be in coma.

You can also expel the acid into the interstitial fluids. If the kidneys do not return to their normal operating rate, more acids will be deposited into the interstitial fluids. This will push them further throughout the body’s internal environment.

Uric Acid

The uric acid eventually seeps into the synovial fluid, causing the formation of urate stones that can trigger gouty inflammation. The uric acid will begin to concentrate near the skin’s surface when there is not enough space to store it. As the concentration reaches saturation point, it can deposit the seeds of goutytophi. The seed acts as a gravitational center of deposition and the tophus will grow faster once it has formed.


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