Tophi gout refers to the painful stage of gout when horrible-looking ‘lumps’ appear at the joints. If left untreated, they can lead to serious problems. There are medications that can help, but these can have side effects and should be taken on a regular basis. Talk to your doctor about natural treatments for tophi gout. Tophi (orophaceous) Gout is caused when there is a buildup of uric salts (monosodium-urate crystals) around the joints affected. Gout attacks that are frequent, frequent, and repeated due to high blood uric acid levels can cause this. These lumps are usually seen under the skin at the affected joint(s).
Although the big toe is the most common site of gout, tophi can occur in any joint. They can also be found at the ear ridges. They are ugly and unattractive, and if left untreated can cause serious complications like permanent damage to the joints and surrounding tissue. They can also become septic and ulcerated, so you should seek immediate medical attention if you suspect that you have septicemia.
Tophi is caused by elevated levels of uric acid. It is important to reduce these levels and keep them at a level that will prevent tophi from forming. This will also prevent recurring gout attacks. There are many drugs, such as allopurinol, that can lower and maintain uric acids at healthier levels. They seem to work well. They are only effective while they are being taken. There is no way to stop uric acid levels from rising once they have been stopped.
Many people who are suffering from them end up taking them for many years. Unfortunately, many people experience side effects. To get rid of tophi, more people are turning towards natural remedies.
Natural Remedies
There are many natural remedies available that can lower uric acids levels. There are natural anti-inflammatory remedies. Alfalfa, burdoch, and buchu are some examples. Natural kidney cleanses are also possible. Your diet is the foundation of this natural approach. Gout sufferers, especially those with tophi, should eat a low-purine diet. Uric acid is made from the breakdown of purines in our bodies. You will just produce more uric acid than your kidneys can process or excrete.