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Balanced nutrition

What are Low Purines Food?

Gout attacks can be caused by a high-purine diet. Gout is caused by the body's conversion of purine to uric acid. Gout is a type of arthritis. However, unlike other forms of arthritis, it can be managed with simple over-the-counter supplements and a healthy diet.Low in purines Food We will give you a list low in purines as well as some other ways to get rid gout:Due to high cholesterol levels, eggs should be limited to a…
Mint tea bag

What is a good Natural Heartburn Remedy?

Did you know that your kitchen can double as a natural remedy for heartburn? There are many amazing ways to treat heartburn with common foods that you probably already have. Bananas: A quick way to stop heartburn is to eat a ripe banana. Although no one knows why, ripe bananas (not those with greenish skins!) work quickly to neutralize stomach acids. Heartburn can be caused by unripe bananas. Raw Almonds: Consuming raw almonds after a meal can prevent heartburn from…
Cup of coffee

What are facts of Coffee we should know about?

Every household needs to wake up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. Even though there are many tea drinkers, no one can deny the wonderful aroma of tea. Coffee holds a special place in people's hearts. The number of cafes has increased exponentially, making it difficult to order a brew. While you may be familiar with the names of various brews on the menu, you may not know the details of each mug. Many people avoid trying new brews…
papaya slice and papaya juice

What to know when Cleansing for The First Time?

To test your digestion, the first thing I recommend is to eat a lot of frozen corn. Corn is difficult to digest so it will appear in stool in its original form. You can watch your bowel movements to see how long it takes for the corn spores to appear. You might want to speak to me if it takes longer than 48 hours. If you really want to cleanse, COFFEE would be the first thing that I would recommend…
roasted coffee beans

Does Coffee have Disease Prevention Benefits?

Are there more benefits to coffee for disease prevention? You've probably seen the news about coffee's disease-fighting benefits. This is great news for Java lovers and allows you to enjoy your morning cup of Joe guilt-free. Newer research has shown that coffee offers more benefits than previously thought, including lowering your risk of developing type II diabetes, liver dysfunction, and hepatitis. It has been shown that coffee can reduce the risk of stroke, prostate cancer, and Alzheimer's disease. The Hepatology…
Morning coffees

What are Coffee Health Effects?

Coffee is a well-known drink all over the globe. Although there are many ways to make coffee, the main ingredient is still coffee. Numerous studies have been done to determine the health benefits of coffee. Many people agree that coffee has many health benefits. These are just a few of the many results from various researches that have been conducted around the world to support coffee as a healthy beverage. Caffeine can increase peristalsis in the GI, which can reduce…
coffee beans

What to know about Medications and Diet?

I received a call from a potential client who was in a very serious situation. His doctor had diagnosed him with CAD (Coronary Artery Disease) at the age of 24. He had high blood pressure and cholesterol and had prescribed him medication to lower these levels. This medication has been in his system for more than 2 years. This 24-year-old man developed a blockage in the hand. It had become inflamed and then ruptured, leading to possible amputation. Although the…
Coffee beans

Is Coffee Healthy for me?

Many studies have been done on coffee's health benefits. Is coffee good for you? There are always two sides to every story. Coffee's health benefits have been controversial for many years. Those who drink it cite its antioxidant activity and brain-boosting potential. Those who don't like it point out its downsides, such as insomnia, indigestion, and high blood pressure. Here are some reasons coffee is good for you. Coffee has more antioxidants than tea and cocoa, which are both antioxidant…