Gout attacks are one of the most painful conditions you can experience. The bad news is that you can have more gout attacks than you have already. According to a recent study by cure-gout, 76% of people are likely to have a recurring gout attack again. It was found that an average of 3 attacks per year was the norm among 100 gout sufferers. How can you prevent this? How an attack is caused and what foods you eat are…
Gout is a form of rheumatoid arthritis. It is believed that uric acid, which is made from purines found in foods, causes gout. The body will usually filter the chemical, which isn't harmful by itself. Hyperuricemia is a medical condition that causes pain. The body can form crystals when the uric acid level is too high. These crystals are most common in the joints. This can cause inflammation in the joints. This condition is known as gout. This condition can…
Here's an interesting fact. Did you know that gout was originally called "The Disease of Kings" (or "Rich Man's Disease")? Understanding the disease is key to understanding why this happens. Uric acid is the main cause of gout. This acid is high in foods like seafood and meat. This association is due to the fact that in the past, only the kings or queens could afford to indulge in such food. As these foods became more readily available to the…
Gout can be prevented by a low-uric acid diet. Gout can be prevented by a diet that lowers blood uric acid levels. A diet low in uric acid is actually a diet low in 'purines. Purines are chemical compounds that naturally occur in our bodies and in a lot of our food. Their task is to convert food into energy. After they are done with their tasks, they break down into uric acid. Excessive levels of uric acids in the…
Once you understand the causes of your gout, it is easy to determine what foods to eat. You can then create a gout diet that works best for you. You will find out the causes and what foods to avoid if you have gout. The gout diet that works for you can be found here. Gout is caused when uric acid crystals build up in your joints and tendons. They are caused by excess uric acid, which is a result…
Gout can be reduced by eating a low-purine diet. Gout can be reduced if you already have it. Gout is more common in men, particularly as they age. It seems that purines are more common in older people. Hyperuricemia is a condition that results in an increase in blood uric acid, which can lead to the development of the disease. The pain is caused by the sharp crystals that form in the body. Purines are broken down by the kidneys…
Gout is a condition that affects the body's joints, particularly the ones at the extremities. Gout is characterized by a high level of uric acid, which can't be eliminated. Uric acid is a waste product that the body produces when certain foods are consumed. The kidneys help to eliminate uric acid. However, if the body cannot eliminate excess uric acid, it will remain in the joints and soft tissues. This is why the joints are the most affected, especially the…
Gout can be treated naturally by changing your diet. This article will explain why and which foods to avoid if you want to get rid of gout. Gout sufferers are looking for natural ways to get rid of it. This article will only focus on natural ways to eliminate gout. There are many natural ways to get rid of gout, but diet is the most important component. How does diet impact your gout? Uric acid crystals build up in the…