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Assortment of healthy food

How to Heal myself with Foods?

One time, I was asked by a TV interviewer what my definition of true wellness was. My answer was, although too simplified for the scientist, "The absence or recurrence of disease at all levels" - that is, physical, mental, and emotional. I believe that everyone can improve their health by making better decisions. To live a healthier life, my number one rule is to make every effort to choose a path towards wellness and away from diseases. Choose a path…
glucose meter

How to deal with Diabetes and High Glucose Levels?

Until recently, there was very little scientific evidence to support the idea that certain foods are better than others. Our great-grandparents ate whatever they wanted without worrying about cholesterol, arthritis, and gout. Their natural food preserved their natural instinct of taste and helped them overcome severe health problems. They stopped eating when they were sick and drank only water and herbal teas. They could skip a few meals if they overate. There were no antacids during those days. Fruit juice…