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Juicy Orange

What are Essential Oils good for?

As the above quote from Isaiah shows, fragrant trees were used primarily to build in biblical times. Solomon was a master builder of palaces and temples. According to biblical writings, Solomon sent workers into the forests of Lebanon to cut down cedars. He lined his temple and palace with pine, only to have it burn to the ground in a conflict a few years later. Pine oil was traditionally used to treat "old coughs" and the respiratory system. Egyptians ate…
Young green needles of a spruce

What are Garden Plants Health Benefits?

This article focuses on the healing properties of different garden plants.Basic PlantsHorseradish root is rich in mustard essential oil, vitamins, carotene, sugars, and other mineral substances. The whole plant can be used, including the roots. The entire plant is rich in phytoncides. The treatment of gout, rheumatism, and anemia should be done with horseradish. It has been shown to improve blood circulation, stimulate appetite, and aid digestion. To treat upper respiratory tract infections, mix a little horseradish…
ankle injury

How to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid-arthritis is not curable. The goal of treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis is to reduce joint inflammation, pain, maximize joint function, prevent joint destruction, and deformity. Early intervention is key to reducing chronic joint inflammation and soft tissue swelling. A comprehensive treatment program is necessary to provide optimal care. This disease affects the peripheral joints, such as the hands, feet, wrists and knees. It also affects the surrounding muscles, tendons and ligaments. It can also affect internal organs such as the…