Amethyst, a purple-colored and pale reddish quartz variety, is also known as a violet or pale reddish variety. It is believed that all magenta, purple, and mauve color minerals were known by this name in ancient times. Amethyst is a symbol of sincerity, honesty, security (Europe), happiness (Ancient Egypt), and peace (India). The stone brings happiness to selfless, dedicated people. The clergy are attracted to this particular stone because they believe Amethyst draws the faithful to God. This stone is popular for decoration of ecclesiastical items. Amethyst, also known as the Cardinal (the Catholics), or the Bishops (the Orthodox), is a popular stone for decoration of ecclesiastical objects.
Let’s see…
The rings that these princes of church should wear according to their rank are made from Amethyst (and Sapphire). The Episcopal amethyst rings were worn on the fourth finger of the right hand of the Episcopal bishop. We know the earliest known bishops’ rings from the tenth Century, but some countries have them from earlier. These pastoral rings were first granted to abbots by papal privileges to priors in the XIIth century. Amethyst is considered to be only for those who are very spiritual and moral. Even after the death of its owner, Amethyst retains the power of his spirit. Amethyst amulets were worn by ancient Egyptians, Sumerians, and Babylonians as protection against evil rock and diseases, and by the Greeks and Romans to protect against bad deeds or love obsession.
This stone was used to make bottles in China for spices, balms, and healing ointments. Amethyst vessels, scarabs, and other items are often found in the tombs Egyptian pharaohs. According to ancient legends, Amethyst protects from alcoholism and dispels the toxins of wine. It also helps with temptations, drugs and excessive passion and emotion. It is a blessing for those who are selfless and dedicated. It can bring happiness and good fortune, especially to those who are unselfish and dedicated.
Cosmic Energy
This stone concentrates the cosmic energy that is still unknown to us. It can have a positive effect on weak and fragile people’s auras, but does not cause vice. It is not a sign of gout. It is a good idea to put Amethyst under the pillow at night to help you get rid of devilish temptations. It protects against evil fate, nostalgia, magic, disease, and evil eye. It symbolizes loyalty, honesty, hope, and can evoke sweet and happy dreams. However, Amethyst is not recommended for use in the workplace. Amethyst calms anger and is not affected by evil thoughts. It is useful in catching wild animals and birds. This gemstone is a great remedy for wrinkles, freckles, warts, and moles. It is recommended that you smoothen them with amethyst-cabochon as frequently as possible.
The gemstone can protect seamen and has power over the wind; it can save its owner from a hurricane or other natural disasters. Sometimes, Amethyst can change its color without apparent reason. This is because it predicts a storm. It predicts weather, including when it freezes, rains, and so on. Fresh melt water with Amethyst, left in a vessel, helps with colds and diseases of the liver and kidneys; strengthens brain and stomach; but it is not recommended to swallow a crystal. People believed that it was possible to correct tongue-tie or other speech defects (stuttering, for example) in ancient times. Amethyst can be used to correct tongue-tie and other speech defects if worn on the third, seventh, or eleventh days of the Moon. It is also known as the “soldiers rock”, because it protects against war wounds.
The “widowsstone” is a name that a wife wears to show her fidelity after she has lost her husband. It was called the “stone the old bachelor” in the XIXth century. In ancient Mesopotamia, people believed that Amethyst could open a woman’s heart to new affections and extinguish any previous love. Sumerians believed that the stone could evoke the love of the recipient, even if the woman who received the gift was in a relationship with another man.
This stone is good for prudence growth. It is a versatile stone that allows you to drink as much alcohol as you like without losing your mind. To avoid getting drunk, it is important to keep the stone under your tongue or drink wine from an amethyst glass or cup. The ancient cups that had the images of Selena (Dionysus), and Bacchus (Dionysus), were engraved to increase the strength of the stone’s strength. Amethyst, in Greek, means “preventing intoxication”. Amethyst is a valuable jewelry gem from a group made up of quartz. Amethyst jewellry should not be worn continuously as its amazing power can sometimes diminish.
Properties Of Chiastolite
Chiastolite, a variety Of Andalusite, contains a naturally occurring cruciform or black cross. It is also known as “Cross Stone”. It is available in brown, grey, reddish, and olive-green varieties. Chiastolite is a Greek word that means “cruciform or cross-marked” and comes from the Greek word “chiastos”. Chiastolite was sometimes called “Lapis crucifer” in ancient texts, which literally means “cross rock”. It is a prismatic, metamorphic rock that is a polymorph of two other crystals or mineral – Kyanite & Sillimanite.
Chiastolite has black clay or brown clay inclusions and/or carbonaceous materials in the crystal. These inclusions are in regular, symmetrical patterns. It was revered in ancient times because of the cross inside. The cross in it was considered a sign from God by ancient people. It has been used as protection since ancient times, as it was intuitively obvious that this stone had high protective qualities. The cross-stamping on chiastolite was used to repel the evil eye and to ward off curses and ill-willing. It is often associated with Christianity because it has a cross in its middle. However, its discovery and lore predate this religious association.
Protective Stone
Chiastolite is a very protective stone. It can transmute dissension into harmony. It is a creative stone that can dispel negative thoughts. It can help you find your way by helping to transform conflict into harmony. This stone is strong in metaphysical properties and can be used to meditate to connect with the Akashic records to find past lives information. It is well-known for its ability to bridge worlds or act as an accelerator to release old limiting beliefs in times of change. Astral travel can be enhanced and empowered by chiastolite. It can be used to help those who are making the transition beyond death. It is linked to death, rebirth, and helps you understand and explore immortality.
It helps you face reality and dispels all illusions. It helps you transition from one situation to another, especially at the psychological level. It helps to release guilt and stabilize your emotions. It helps to dispel negativity and transforms all inharmonious vibrations into harmonious. It is a spiritual aid and invokes protection powers during trauma or illness. It helps you to tune in to your soul’s purpose. Chiastolite can be used to treat gout and rheumatism. It also helps with blood disorders, acidification, veins, blood circulation, blood pressure, high or low blood pressure, and stimulates lactation. It can also be used to treat paralysis and nerve problems.