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What aggravates Arthritis and Gout?

Heart inflammation is the reason so many people have cardiovascular disease. I’m not referring to high cholesterol foods or fatty foods. Because of their high levels of omega-6 fatty acids, inflammation can be caused by eating foods that are high in these essential nutrients. You may be eating eight times as many n-6 fatty acid-dangerous foods as you are omegas 3, which are the healing omegas 3. These fatty acids are used by the immune system to reduce inflammation and heal areas of the body that have been injured or are sick.


When inflammation becomes chronic, problems can occur. This is often the case if there is an imbalance of the two fatty acids. Because n-6 fatty acids cannot stop producing inflammation after it is no more needed, heart inflammation, inflammatory bowel disease and adult onset noninsulin dependent diabetes can all be caused by n-6 fatty acid imbalances.

For the n-6s to be “turned off”, n-3 fatty acid’s anti-inflammatory ability is essential. The n-3s won’t be able to keep up if there is a severe imbalance in your n-6 and/or n-3 fatty acids. This means that chronic inflammation will continue and eventually make you sick. Scientists discovered that the Inuits had a lack of inflammation in their hearts and other inflammatory conditions. However, the contamination of our water has increased since the last of these studies was done in the 1970’s.


High levels of toxic substances are found in the fatty fish we rely on for our omega 3s. Purified fish oil is the only way to get the DHA and EPA omega-3 fatty acids that we need to prevent heart inflammation and other inflammatory diseases. You can significantly increase your omega 3 levels by taking a highly concentrated, purified DHA omega 3 fish oils formula every day. You will live a longer, healthier life with a quality fish oil supplement.


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