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What are common Musculoskeletal Disorders?

Musculoskeletal disorders (also known as MSDs) are minor problems that affect the bones, joints, and muscles. These disorders are common as people age, especially in the elderly. It is possible to stop the pain from getting worse if symptoms are caught early. This condition is often caused by four main factors: your age and lifestyle, your occupation, and your daily activity. As you age, your chances of developing musculoskeletal problems will increase. Around 40, most people feel pain in their muscles and joints.

Did You Know?

The type of activity and occupation often determine the location of the pain. Back problems can develop in those who sit all day at the computer. Bad posture can also lead to back problems. Problems with the joints or muscles could also be caused by lifting heavy objects and doing a lot of physical labor. You may feel pain in your neck, shoulders, back, legs, knees, or even your stomach. A lower back pain is the most common sign. Gout, tendinitis, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid and osteoarthritis are all common warning signs.

Other symptoms include stiffness and swelling, as well as aching joints. Your doctor should be consulted immediately if you suspect you have musculoskeletal problems. To determine if there are any weakness or atrophy, the doctor will need to perform a physical exam. To confirm any disorder, a reflex test and xrays may be performed. In some cases, blood tests may be required. You will usually be prescribed over-the-counter medications once the diagnosis of musculoskeletal disorders is made. In some cases, physical therapy may be prescribed.

Chronic Symptoms

You can avoid chronic symptoms and other problems later in life by doing a little bit of work now. This can be prevented by making changes to your lifestyle and getting rid of bad habits. Start by ensuring that you have a good posture. Good posture can help prevent many back problems as you age. You can also learn how to lift weights correctly so that your back is not as stressed. Strengthening your bones and muscles will help you stay fit and healthy, and reduce the risk of developing musculoskeletal problems as you age.


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