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What are Neem Uses and Benefits for Gout?

Neem is a well-known herb in the modern world. This Indian herb is a well-known and beloved one. It has magical medicinal properties that have been used for centuries. Because it can be found almost anywhere in India, Neem is also known as the free tree of India. It is also known as a magic tree. It has properties that can cure and relieve illness. The common name for the Neem tree is Azadirachta Indica in biological terms and margosa tree English. Because of its many uses, it is a part of every Indian home and is therefore considered a place for worship.

Margosa Tree

Margosa trees can reach a maximum height between 40 and 50 feet. Margosa is an evergreen tree with branches that spread throughout the entire tree. It can grow to a height of between 30 and 40 feet. The trunk is relatively straight. Bark is thick and rough, with a whitish-reddish brown appearance. The bark is extruded by a fluid called neera. The leaves are approximately 12 to 15 inches long and have about 20 to 31 leaflets of green color. They are about 3 to 5 centimeters in length. The flowers are small and white in color, and they bloom in spring. From February to March. When raw, fruits are round and green. They turn pale yellow when ripe. Each fruit contains one seed which can contain oil.

Neem Tree

Summers are when the Neem tree produces its fruits, i.e. In May to July. Because of its extraordinary ability to fight off pest and microorganisms, neem has been used as a pesticide since the early ages. This makes it an ideal partner for human evolution. Margosa tree has the sheet (cold), virya power. It contains tickt, kashaya rasa and the laghu(light) gunna (property). These make neem an exceptional herb. It suppresses kapha due to tickt rasa and sheet virya potency, it suppresses pitta. Chemically, neem is composed of complex compounds such as triterpenes and limonoids as well nonterpenoids and pentattriterpenoids.

Azadirachitin is the most important active ingredient in neem. This makes neem have the ability to project its power. Neem can be used for any type of condition. Here are some of the amazing benefits of neem that ayurveda can offer to modern living and this world.

Take Note

  • Neem acts as an anti-bacterial, anti parasitic and anti fungal, prozoal, and anti viral, thus protecting us from any microorganisms that may invade our bodies, causing serious illnesses. The miraculous effects of neem oil or powder can be achieved locally. Because it is an anti-microbial herb, it makes all microorganisms inactive. This aids in wound healing without causing infections or septic conditions. A common sight in Indian homes is to take a bath with neem leaves water. This helps to prevent mild infections that might occur from day-to-day activities. Neem is a blessing of God to those suffering from skin diseases. It can be used to treat almost all skin diseases.
  • Neem water is widely used to treat burn injuries. It helps prevent infection and promotes healing.
  • Neem oil has very satisfying results for hair fall and early greying. It is also used in the treatment of dandruff, and in the growth of lice. It is highly recommended for local use on arthritic conditions such as rheumatoid, gout and Osteoarthritis. It is helpful in constipation, indigestion and restoring the taste of the mouth due to its presence of tickt rasa.
  • It acts as a deworming agent and helps to fight intestinal worms. It is recommended for hyperacidity and epigastric discomfort. This is because it suppresses pitta, which is the main cause of these conditions. It is widely used to purify blood. Due to the presence of tickt rasa, it gives amazing results in diabetes mellitus and diabetes incipidus. It provides relief for all skin conditions.
  • It helps to suppress extra heat in the body, which helps to maintain normal hyperthermia. It is very useful in suppressing fever.


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