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What are Urate Crystals?

Gout is a form of auto immune disease where the body tries to protect itself from foreign substances that are not supposed to be there. This substance is not a bacteria or virus. It is not a living microorganism. It is a rock! It is a micro crystal that forms within your body. It is often found in a needle-like shape. These tiny crystals can form in your blood and in the interstitial fluids. It can also form inside your joints’ synovial fluid. It can either crystallize or dissolve in the fluid it is dissolved in.

Urate Crystals

These crystals will form when the blood concentration of uric acids is near the saturation point. It will look like a spring flower. These crystals will dissolve slowly and become uric acids again when the blood uric level drops. This bio-chemically formed gem is also known as uric acid crystal or urate crystal. It is also known as monosodium-urate crystals or MSU crystals among scientists and researchers.

The body tissues form MSU crystals, which can cause gout or acute inflammation. Gout patients who have a high uric acid level will experience a favorable environment for the formation of urate crystallines. This leaves no room for the other reaction, which is the dissolution of crystals. This will lead to more frequent gout attacks and the formation of urate crystals in the victim’s body.

Gout Attacks

It can take years for crystal deposits to become severe enough to cause gout attacks. It is difficult to dissolve them. None of the gout medications are designed to remove urate crystals. These drugs can temporarily suppress symptoms of gout attacks but not address the root cause. Gout is not curable, as most doctors will tell you.

They can only treat the surface of the problem. These drugs can be used to treat pain or inflammation. None of these drugs are intended to treat the root. You should take action to find alternative solutions if you don’t want crystals to continue to form in your body. Truth is out there.


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