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What is the Importance of Hydration?

We all know we should be drinking more water. We all know the health benefits of staying hydrated. We get so busy that we forget to drink. We think we have enough water, so we stop at the drinking fountain to get a quick drink or go to the office water cooler. Hydration isn’t enough. We also need trace minerals. All water is not created equally. Below is a list of the most common types of water we drink every day. Tap water is municipal water, which comes from the taps. It has been treated, processed, and disinfected. It is usually treated with chlorine and has flouride added. One of the side effects of chlorine in drinking water is cancer.

Purified Water

However, the majority of the water in the office cooler is just a purified tap water. There are no minerals added. The glass of water served at the restaurant is usually tap water. Any kind of water can be considered distilled water. It is water that has been vaporized, collected, and left behind any solid residues including minerals. Reverse osmosis water is water that has been forced through membranes to remove larger particles, pollutants, and minerals. Acidic water is often obtained from reverse osmosis. Deionized water has had impurities and minerals removed from the water, but not bacteria and pathogens. None of these sources are providing the hydration or trace minerals that we require at the cellular level. We are in a dilemma. How can we get the hydration and all the minerals we need? Is it really so important? Japan has been treating its drinking water for many years. Doctors in Japan have done some of the most convincing research on the efficacy of drinking water with high alkalinity (or Ionized water).

  • A decrease in blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. Improvements in peripheral circulation in diabetic Gangrene. Patients with gout experience a decrease in their uric acid levels.
  • Improvements in liver function tests in patients with hepatic diseases. Improvements in gastroduodenal ulcers and prevention of recurrences. Improvements in hypertension, hypotension.
  • Improvements in allergy disorders like asthma, urticaria and rhinites, as well as atopic dermatitis.
  • Faster recovery from post-operative bower paralysis.

These benefits are possible. A water ionization system can be installed in your home. This is not only expensive, but it can also be very difficult to use when you are at work (unless your goal is to take large quantities of water with you to work), and when you travel.

Healthy Kidney

The Disease and Its Causes. Stones in the urinary tract can be found in both men as well as women. They are most common in those over 20 years old. There are many types of stones. Each one is made up of different combinations of chemicals that are normally excreted by your kidneys. Although it is not clear what causes these stones, there are many theories. Some experts believe that patients are predisposed to developing stones. Others believe that they are simply a result of their family’s lifestyle, water intake, and diet. Concentrated urine can lead to the formation of stones. This condition may be promoted by patients who don’t drink enough liquids. Another theory is that stones could be caused by an abnormal change in the colloid material in the urine. The colloid material normally prevents chemicals from aggregating to form stones.

Vitamin D can also be responsible for high levels of calcium being excreted from the urine if taken in large quantities. Stones can also be formed by certain diseases of the parathyroid gland. Gout is a common cause for kidney stones. Gout sufferers can sometimes develop uric acids stones from the high uric content of their urine. Long-term, unbroken bed rest can lead to kidney stones. This is why patients are advised to get up and move as soon as possible after an operation. Symptoms. Urinary stones can cause symptoms depending on where they are located. Their location and movement will determine whether the pain is sharp, dull, steady, or continuous. About half of cases have blood in the urine visible to the naked eye, or under a microscope. But, this does not necessarily mean that there are no stones.

Complications. Recurrent or prolonged attacks can lead to kidney swelling and eventually, to stop functioning. This can lead to blood pressure changes, uremia, and infection. Kidney infections can be very serious and may lead to the loss of a kidney. Prevention. If possible, it is important to determine what caused the formation of the stones. Gout patients should be on a medical program to prevent the uric acids crystals from forming into stones. It is important to treat a bacterial infection of the urinary tract. It is important to correct any obstruction in the urine flow that may have occurred at birth. Fluid intake should be increased to dilute the urine. Avoid weight gain. It is important to take the right vitamins. The doctor may recommend that you increase the colloid content of your urine.

Alkaline Water

Acidic waste is created by the acidic foods you eat and the polluted air that you inhale. Tap water is not safe because it contains many contaminants, fluorine, chlorine, and other minerals. Alkaline water is good for your health and helps improve your immune system. Alkaline water is good for your health because it neutralizes acids and removes toxins from your body. Tap water has a pH value between 7 and 9. It is neutral. Alkaline water is safe for the body and has a pH range from 7.2 to 9. The pH value is the measurement of the acidity or alkalinity of a water sample. Your body will not function well if it is too acidic.

Your blood will function normally if your body is alkaline and getting enough minerals from food and beverages to stay alkaline. It is important for your health to provide oxygen to your cells and remove all acidic waste from your body. An excess of acid in the body can weaken your immune system and cause many diseases. Your body will function better if it is alkaline. Alkaline water neutralizes acids in the body and allows it to flush out toxic, acidic waste.

There are many ways to make alkaline antioxidant water. Ionizing water is one of the most economical and effective ways to make alkaline antioxidant water. Ionized water is alkaline and rich in antioxidants. It is also free from bacteria and other volatile organic substances like chlorine, fluorine, and harmful trace metals found in tap water. It retains healthy minerals and has an excess of oxygen atoms. The health benefits of ionized alkaline water are that it facilitates the flow of water between cells in your body. Alkaline water supplies oxygen to the cells of the body to eliminate toxins. Your health is important. Ionized water has a higher antioxidant value, which is better for your health and immune system.

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