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What Are Signs Of Gout?

Gout is a painful condition that occurs when too much uric acids builds up in the body. It is easy to recognize signs if you know the basics. Gout can be treated quickly and, in many cases, prevented from recurring. Gout is a condition that causes inflammation of the joints. It is most common in the feet, ankles, and knees. About five percent of arthritis sufferers will also have gout. The inflammation is caused by a buildup of uric acids in the blood. This then sinks into lower parts of the body and crystallizes at the joints, causing significant pain and inflammation.

Good To Know

Gout can also be found in other parts of your body, such as the elbow, but these cases are rare unless you have suffered an injury to the joint. Gout is a condition where the kidneys filter out uric acids, which is then excreted through the urine. Gout can cause a buildup of uric acid in certain joints, leading to lumpy patches and other symptoms. Gout symptoms are easy to spot. Gout attacks usually last between five and ten days.

The symptoms include pain in the knees, ankles, and feet. This arthritic-like pain can be felt when a person attempts to walk or apply pressure on the joint. The gout attack will eventually subside and your joints will return to normal. Gout can be caused by many things, but most people over 40 are affected. Children are rarely affected. Gout can be caused by excessive alcohol consumption, especially over a long time, or exposure to environmental lead.

These can be used as indicators to help you diagnose gout. Gout can also be caused by family history. People who have had gout in their past may be more susceptible to developing it again. Gout can also be caused by an injury to the area. This gives the uric acids a place to collect. Gout can be diagnosed by persistent, painful inflammation of a joint that persists long after it has healed.

Home Remedies

There are many home remedies and prescriptions that can reduce the blood uric acid levels and prevent recurrence of gout attacks. Drinking more water will help to reduce the uric acid levels, while avoiding alcohol and taking antiinflammatory drugs will help to reduce inflammation. Gout symptoms can be reduced by certain herbal remedies, such as the devil’s claw root and meadowsweet leaves, and flowertops.


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