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What are common Foot Injuries?

Your feet are an important part of your body, as anyone who has ever suffered from foot pain or injury will tell you. Your feet contain 25% of your bones. 26 bones are found in each foot and ankle. There are 33 joints, over 100 ligaments and tendons, and more than 100 muscles. Your feet perform many functions. They provide balance, flexibility, and mobility that allow you to navigate your day. It can be easy to take your feet for granted until you experience foot pain or injury. Foot pain can be caused by many things, including the shoes you wear. Here are five medical conditions that can cause foot pain.

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  • Gout: This type arthritis causes sudden pain and discomfort. It is usually located around the base of the big toe. Gout attacks often come with redness, heat, swelling, and redness. This is usually caused by uric crystals in your blood. You should seek medical attention if you suspect you may have gouty feet.
  • Bunions: This painful condition is often caused by wearing too tight shoes. However, it can also be passed down through the family and genetics. Bunions can develop after a prolonged period of pressure between the first toe and second toe. Bunions are bony bumps that are made up of bone and soft tissue. They can cause swelling and pain. They can also cause other types of toe and foot pain if they continue.
  • Morton’s Neuroma is a condition that causes a shooting pain in the foot or a feeling like you’re standing on a small pebble. This nerve condition can cause a buildup of tissues around your toes, and sometimes even the ball of your feet. Your foot may feel numb or stinging. If left untreated, walking may become more difficult because it becomes increasingly painful to apply pressure to your foot.
  • Plantar Fasciitis is a common condition that causes severe heel pain. It is most noticeable in the morning, and can also flare up after prolonged inactivity or sitting. Plantar fascia is a thick band of tissue that causes discomfort along the heel and midfoot. Plantar fasciitis can be treated with regular stretching, proper footwear, and other medical treatments if necessary.
  • Bursitis can affect any part of the body, including your hips and toes. Bursitis can be caused by overuse and is found in and around joints. Bursa, a fluid-filled sac called bursa, can become inflamed from repetitive motions. They can cause severe pain around your big toe. Bursitis can be treated with rest and other activities that provide relief for the affected area. Everyone can benefit from taking good care of their feet and practicing foot health. It is important to choose footwear that offers enough support and comfort for your feet. You should seek medical attention if you have persistent foot pain. A qualified doctor will examine your feet and offer treatment options. Chronic foot pain can be difficult to ignore and can lead to more serious foot problems.


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