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Man wrist pain

What is Gout exactly?

Arthritis has been known since ancient times and Hippocrates, who is the father of modern medicine, called it "the disease of kings". Because Gout is often associated with high dietary intake, he called it that. While this is true in part, there are many other factors that can cause Gout. Gout can be very painful and sometimes even debilitating. Sharp crystals embedded in joint fluid…
ground celery seed

What are great Gout Natural Home Remedies?

There are many non-prescription and prescribed medications that you can use to treat gout. However, these medications often have terrible side effects and can worsen tinnitus. Organic methods are not as harmful as their pharmaceutical counterparts and have been proven to be equally effective or even more potent. Let me share six simple ways to get rid of gout fast that I have personally tried…
orange slice

What are Vitamin C Health Benefits for Gout?

Vitamin C is known for its effectiveness in strengthening the immune system. It has components that strengthen the immune system and other body functions. This prevents you from getting other infections and diseases. Vitamin C's anti-oxidant properties are the reason. Vitamin C cannot be produced in the body so you need to consume large amounts. Vitamin C is essential because it provides energy and nutrients…
Giving Acupuncture

Is Acupuncture a choice for Gout Pain Relief?

Acupuncture is gradually becoming a more popular option for patients whose regular medical treatment has failed to resolve their problems. Sometimes, antibiotics and other medical treatments are not effective. There are many reasons why acupuncture may be a good option. The system uses fine needles that are inserted into the body at certain points to help release stored energy and allow it to flow freely…