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white willow bark

Why to try Herbal Remedies for Side Neck Pain?

Since the dawn of time, herbal medicine has been used to treat various ailments. Many traditional medicine fields, such as the Native American Indian, naturopathic, homeopathic, and oriental, where herbs are the main ingredients, are still widely practiced today. Many of the drugs prescribed today are herbal in origin. It is found in at least 25% of prescriptions. These also contain one or more active…
man drinking orange juice

Why is Vitamin C important for Men’s Health?

Unless you've been living in a ditch for 50 years, you probably know something about the importance of Vitamin C (also called L-ascorbic acids) to your overall health. Vitamin C, which is found in many fruits and veggies (especially citrus), is essential for healthy functioning. Vitamin C plays an important role in the immune system function, iron absorption, mood regulation, joint health, and also helps…
fresh juicy mandarins

Is there a Vitamin C quick Guide?

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin found mainly in fruits, vegetables, and plants. It is used primarily in the prevention and treatment scurvy, as well as antioxidant supplementation. Vitamin C is the most important anti-oxidant. This is because Vitamin C cannot be made in the body. Vitamin C is essential for healthy skin. Vitamin C is an aggressive free-radical fighter,…
Tea powder with ginseng root

Is Turmeric an alternative for Health Gain?

The majority of people live faster these days. Fast food is a great option for busy people because it's quick and easy. The result is a compromise in overall health and a shorter lifespan. Health advocates now encourage people to look for healthier alternatives, and turmeric curcumin is just one example. In some Asian countries, turmeric was used as a traditional medicine for centuries. It…
fresh lemons

How can I beat Obesity?

Obesity is a growing problem in our society, and it doesn’t look like it’s going to get better over the next few years. The majority of Western cultures seem to be growing larger despite the fact that the world is becoming more aware of the dangers of obesity. It could be that fast food has become an accepted part of many peoples' diets. Or it…
a bottle of homemade tansy oil

What are Benefits of Common Tansy and Arnica Montana?

Common tansy's healing properties were first discovered long ago. It has been shown to be effective in treating nervous diseases, epilepsy and liver diseases, as well as stomach inflammation, rheumatism, gout, stomach ulcers, and other conditions. It is also a great way to get rid of intestinal worms and head lice. The stem of the herb can grow to 120 cm in height. The plant's…