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Как се лекува подагрозен артрит?

Gout is a common metabolic condition that causes high blood levels of uric acids (UA). Gout can be caused by either an inability to excrete (get rid) UA or an overproduction. In any case, the result is that monosodium urate deposits build up in joints and other organs over time, especially the kidneys. This is the main organ responsible for excreting UA. If enough UA…
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Дали пикочната киселина причинява подуване на големия пръст?

Gouty inflammation is a common cause of a swollen big foot. Gouty inflammation is a common condition in people under 30 years of age. This may seem too young to be suffering from gout. Many people who first experience gout are unable to believe it and think it is a sprain or twist from daily activities. A blood test is the best way to confirm…
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Какво да знаем за подаграта и диетата?

Gout is caused by high blood levels of uric acid, which is a waste product. The waste product is the result of the breakdown of purines, which are substances naturally found within your body. Purines can also be found in many types of foods. Gout treatment used to require strict diets. However, medications that combat gout have made it easier to manage the condition. Some…
Масло от лайка

Действат ли хомеопатичните лечения на подаграта?

Gout is one of the most severe and painful conditions a person can have. There are many things a person must do to find a treatment that works. One person might find relief from discomfort with a treatment that works for them. You will need to experiment with homeopathy and gout treatments before you can find the right one for you. Homeopathy does not use…
Алкална диета

Как да лекуваме подаграта с пикочна киселина?

Gout uric acids is one of the main causes of painful symptoms. To reduce symptoms, it is important to control the production of this substance. This can be done by altering the pH level of your body to control its uric acid production. H stands for hydrogen power and is used to indicate the acidity of the body. This means that the body becomes more…
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Защо да опитате алтернативна медицина при подагра?

Gout is a form of arthritis that is caused by an increase in uric acid levels. Uric acid is produced during the body's metabolic activities. A disruption in these activities can result in an increase in uric acid production. This extra acid solidifies and is deposited in the joints. Tophi, a solidified acid known medically, is responsible for joint swelling and pain. Gout attacks are…