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How do I know if I have gout in my foot? Here the answer! Gout is manifested by the occurrence of inflammatory joint flare-ups called "gout attacks". The clinical diagnosis can be completed by complementary examinations.  For many people, the first attack of gout occurs at the base of the big toe. Then, gout attacks can occur in any joint, but it is the joints of the lower limbs - knees, ankles and feet - that are most often affected.…


痛风。你想知道什么能快速帮助你吗?答案很简单。 遵循这些步骤。服用消炎药或秋水仙碱来缓解疼痛 局部应用冰块 对受影响的关节进行休息 每天喝2至3升水。 少吃富含动物蛋白的食物(尤其是红肉和内脏)。 多吃奶制品和蔬菜 循序渐进地、均衡地减轻体重 注射皮质类固醇或进行关节穿刺...