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How to reduce Uric Acid Levels in Blood?

Did you know that gout can be treated naturally by reducing blood uric acid levels? This is a surprising fact that the average gout sufferer doesn’t know. This is because most doctors don’t tell patients how to treat gout naturally. Gout is one of most severe forms of arthritis. I believe it is your right and obligation to learn as much as you can about the disease and how to prevent it from returning. This article will teach you how to reduce your blood uric acid and how to stop the pain from returning.

What to do?

To reduce pain and swelling in your toes, the traditional treatment is to use expensive painkillers. Some doctors even recommend an expensive air cast, which allows you to walk while keeping your toes stationary. This is a painful and expensive option. The alternative treatment is the exact opposite. Gout is caused when the body has high levels of uric acids.

Natural remedies work to flush the body and dissolve the uric stones that are causing the pain. Traditional treatments temporarily numb the pain. Here are some ways to start your alternative treatment. There are many ways to flush uric acid, and even stop it from building up. These tips will help you to treat gout naturally.

Take Note

  • Get plenty of water throughout your day. Water will naturally flush out uric acid from your body via your urine. Drink at least 12 glasses of fluids throughout the day. Keep your urine clean!
  • Baking soda can increase the solubility and allow the body to excrete it faster. Mix a half teaspoon of baking powder with 8 ounces water.
  • One cup of strawberries. Strawberries can neutralize uric acids and provide immediate relief.
  • During an attack, eat one cup of grapes. Grapes make a great snack because they lower the acidity of your uric acid.
  • Alfalfa may also be a good option. Alfalfa is a great source of nutrients and minerals. It has been shown to significantly reduce uric acids levels by neutralizing it.


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