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What are Arthritis Causes and Treatments?

Arthritis can be defined as joint inflammation. It is also used to refer to dozens of other rheumatic conditions. Arthritis includes osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It also includes gout, systemic Lupus, gout, and fibromyalgia. Osteoarthritis is the most common form. It is a degenerative condition that affects older people. It can also affect younger people if a joint is damaged or deformed. Although there is no cure for osteoarthritis, it is possible to cause the disease by causing joint wear.


It affects the cartilage, which is a cushioning substance that covers bone between joints. Excruciating pain can result when the cartilage is worn out. Osteoarthritis can strike people in many ways. Osteoarthritis usually develops slowly over time, but it can sometimes develop very quickly in some people. Sometimes it is mild, while in others it can cause severe pain and disability. Osteoarthritis is common in the hands, spine (including lower back), knees, and hips. The symptoms include stiffness and pain in the joints. In the early stages of the disease, people may feel pain only after exercising. This pain will quickly disappear after rest. The pain can become more severe and constant over time.

Mobility may be lost in its worst form. However, osteoarthritis is not a crippling condition. Millions of people can live long, active lives if they are treated correctly. It is essential to manage the disease properly. Doctors must determine if the symptoms are osteoarthritis in order to treat it.


Because there is no single test that can diagnose osteoarthritis, doctors often perform several tests. These tests include a complete medical history, a physical exam, and sometimes MRI or Magnetic Resonance Imaging. The doctor will then begin a pain management program if the results of the tests are positive. The severity of the pain will determine how much this will vary from one person to another. There are many ways to reduce pain and restore mobility. In addition to weight loss and exercise, good nutrition and rest are essential parts of the treatment.

People who are overweight should lose weight as osteoarthritis can cause damage to weight-bearing joints like the hips, knees, and spine. It is important that patients discuss any exercise with their doctor before they begin. Exercise that is not appropriate for your joints could cause more damage. For pain relief, ibuprofen and aspirin are often prescribed. Heat cushions and ice packs can often be used to reduce pain.

Alternative Medicine

Alternative or herbal medications for arthritis should not be taken without the approval of a doctor. Under the supervision of a doctor, a series may be recommended to reduce pain in the knee joints. This treatment may not work for everyone with painful knee joints. A doctor will make the final decision. In some cases, especially those involving the hip and other joints, surgery may be an option. The technology for joint replacement has improved dramatically over the years. For people who are in constant pain, surgery may be an option to give them a new lease on life.


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