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Rășină aromatică de tămâie sau olibanum

De ce să folosiți remedii naturale pentru dureri de artrită?

Arthritis, a terrible disease that causes pain in the joints, is very serious. When I refer to joints, I mean the areas of our bodies where two bones meet, such as our wrists, elbows and knees, shoulder, hips, shoulder, and knees. This allows us to move freely. As we age, our bodies become less mobile and more rigid. Natural arthritis pain relief can help to…
Medicină alternativă

Poate fi curativ un tratament homeopatic al gutei?

Gout can be treated with homeopathy. Gout will no longer be a constant problem. It can also cause mobility problems and disrupt your daily life. Gout can be very severe. Sometimes, the treatment can also be very painful. The homeopathic treatment is not always the best. Every ailment is investigated by homeopathy. While you may not be able recall the exact moment it started, an…
Suc de cireșe

Care sunt beneficiile extractului de suc de cireșe?

There is a lot of buzz these days about the health benefits of cherries. Everybody has heard the expression, "A spoonful of sugar helps to lower the medicine." With all the antioxidants in cherries, there is no better way to enjoy them than by eating a few juicy cherries. Recent studies have shown that some antioxidants found in cherries can be used to treat gout…
conservarea sucului de fructe

Ar trebui să beau suc de cireșe pentru ameliorarea durerii cauzate de gută?

Gout pain relief is often provided by cherry and/or cherry juice. This article will show you how to use this natural remedy for gout pain relief. Gout can be treated naturally with cherry juice and cherries, without the use of harmful side effects from drug-based medications. In the 1950s, Dr. Ludwig Blau claimed to have been cured of his severe gout by eating 6-8 cherries…